Source Code

talkin' white

An African-American expression for a black person speaking proper English.

How come you talkin' white?

by whitegurrrrl October 18, 2013

White note

Much like the fabled Brown Note, the White Note is a theoretical frequency. While the Brown Note eminates from the rear the White Note is localized in the frontal region. In scientific terms, the White Note causes the sexy bits of all those who hear it to become excited and expel...

"Hey man, what happened to your pants?"

"Oh, that. Some asshole blasted me with the White Note."

by Socks and box July 20, 2019

White Jackal

A member of the poor black community who steals and then sells for coke money.

Melique walks into his buddy Tyrone's house to find a considerable amount of cocaine on the table. Melique says, "Tyrone, where you get the money for all this coke?"

Tyrone replies, "how do you think motha fucka?"

Melique says, "Tyrone, yous such a White Jackal mayne!"

by BigK6 September 24, 2011

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

white dayum

a good looking white girl or guy

that white dayum thinks they are black

by jimmy stevan October 25, 2016

Armond White

A film critic who's gotten a name for himself by praising bad movies and panning good movies. In fact, film fans on Rottentomatoes and IMDb have made it a game to place bets on when his negative review will pop up for a good movie, and vice versa

His modus operandi is reviewing films by going off into incoherent rants, patronizing whoever disagrees with him, and making incredibly vague references to "nihilism" to attack films/filmmakers he doesn't like, or their fans.

"Nolan’s dark sentimentality may seem classical to naive filmwatchers"--Armond White reviewing "Inception", proving he's incapable of writing a review without pettily talking down to people who disagree with him

"White is, as charged, a troll; a smart and knowing one, but a troll"--Roger Ebert, getting it right

by BigBookofPenPastimes July 23, 2010

96πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

White Tiger

A person who's a one-in-a-million rarity, always hunted but almost never found...

"And there's no place that I'd rather be,
When I feel your teeth sink into me
I bleed a color that I've never seen,
A beauty that makes me complete...
You're my white tiger."


by WarBorn88 August 26, 2017

38πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

white peopling

going out to do stunts only crazy people would think of doing, especially stunts you've seen in the movies, like hoping skyscraper to skyscraper, or hanging on a cliff that could lead to possible deaths

Tim went white peopling last night before getting a concussion on the head from doing flips on the edge of a high building.

by amori March 10, 2017

74πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž