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Sam Ford

Likes sucking Andrew's cock while touching cummy pubes.

I'm like Sam Ford.

by Sam Ford November 4, 2020

Donkey Ford’s

The best chipper in Ireland, maybe even the world. Located in Limerick city, it is a staple of a Limerick inhabitants diet

Person1: I’m goin’ to Donkey Ford’s, you want anything?
Person 2: get me a bag of chips and a battered sausage

by cheeseGoblin October 23, 2022

alexa ford

the most amazing PRETTY,most beautiful girl, and the best friend a dude could wish for.

wow, your so pretty, your an alexa ford

by coolerthanchucknorris July 29, 2011

13👍 7👎

whitey ford

The lead singer of everlast who dissed eminem to jump start his career...so eminem answered back and fucked him up.

eminem: whitey ford cant rap or sing but he wants to do both

by eminem fan no. 1 May 29, 2006

59👍 47👎

Harrison Ford

When you forget something that you should know by heart. Like that one time Harrison Ford forgot what carbonite was on Graham Norton

I just pulled a Harrison Ford when I forgot the pledge of allegiance over the Intercom

by icecreamsometimesisn'tenough September 18, 2016

4👍 2👎

Cole Ford

A very loving, open teen from Kingwood Texas who is known only for his hair, bad relationship past, looking like Justin Bieber, and the rumors started about him. Anyone who hates Cole Ford obviously doesnt know him.

Fuck yeah.



Cole Ford: No, I didnt. No you werent. Youre both retarded.

by Anonlolololoolol July 26, 2011

4👍 1👎

ford trucks

The beast of all other truck manufacturers. Although a ford owner will insult you on your Chevy, they all in all actually do have respect for your truck. In Ohio, almost everyone has a ford truck. Driving on a backload in your little honda civic, or your very own ford, you'll be passed by multiple f-150's, 250's, 350's before you spot another regular car. If you have a diesel, you're even cooler. Country boys have bets to see who can 'blow more smoke' out of theirs, and they haul everything you could need in the country. The truck makes your life on the farm ten times easier, plus you get chicks in your four wheel drive. It's a win-win.

If you own any ford trucks, you're tough. Built tough, ford tough.

by Hometown girl October 12, 2013

33👍 26👎