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Breast Break Sex

Breast Break Sex is when a sexual partner intentionally looks to break the breasts implants of their partner. The implants never even come close to being broken, but it gives some guys a weird type of motivation to be at their best in bed. Some woman are into this type of rough sex and foreplay.

I don't know man. This girl was so hot I just wanted to have Breast Break Sex with her! I kept smashing her fake boobs together, and that made her even hornier! It was crazy!

by the2ndflood August 4, 2008

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columbian breast milk

Top shelf breast milk. Drunken by P Diddy as he only drinks the finest breasts milks.

I only drink the finest breast milk. (Clinks two empty milk bottles together) That Columbian breast milk tho!

by fuck boy nigga bitch January 27, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

turkey chicken breast

a non-chewy object protruding from, but not limited to, a female's chest. Has a savory chikeny-turkey taste, but sometimes tastes like skittles.

You can see Simon Cowell's turkey chicken breasts quite frequently.

by adamlambertissohawtt November 9, 2010

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Breast cancer core

a type of hardcore music where band members wear pink.

did you see that new breast cancer core band? they can really pull off they're pink clothes.

by jessejames July 6, 2012

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Large Breasted Knob Gobbler

The Large Breasted Knob Gobbler is a majestic bird with large heaving breasts and most commonly feeds on knobs. You can most commonly find the Large Breasted Knob Gobbler in the city at night, searching for knobs to gobble. They are generally attracted to locations with flashy lights and loud noises, where they are most likely to find an ample source of knobs.

Waldo: "Holy Shit! Marge! Get over here quick! It's a Large Breasted Knob Gobbler on the neighbors stoop!!"

Marge: "Wow! Pull out your knob and I'll whistle the mating call!"

by Bilboliololo February 25, 2013

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Nipple to Breast Ratio (N.B.R.)

The ratio the areola to breast, in which the breast will be judged upon.

Jenny had bad N.B.R. because her nipples were the size of dinner plates.

by JoeVandal September 9, 2003

138๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

lips, legs, breasts, and ass

Four key external features that a man of taste first sees in a fit, healthy, and attractive young woman.

Quagmire, a sex-crazed character from the hit TV show Family Guy once called a woman this.

Quote from the Family Guy show:

Child Services Woman: Hello.
Quagmire: HEY, GET THE HELL OFF MY LAWN--well hello lips, legs, breasts, and ass!

Mark H. Urban Addict since February 2004.

by Mark H November 21, 2004

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