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Canadian history

Slang term for intercourse between a beaver, a moose, and four Inuit men or lumberjacks in an ice fishing shack, often with the help of copious maple syrup, and involving the use of various cuts of ham for extra stimulation. This event is usually the result of far too much consumption of Molson or Labatt Blue.

Prime Minister (leaving a bar): I'm still wasted, but there's no more hockey on! What can we do now?

Member of Parliament: How aboot some Canadian history?

Prime Minister: That sounds alright! I'll talk to those two red-headed lumberjacks over there, while you buy the maple syrup and take care of the other details.

by EP the Great February 5, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

As defined by Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report, Canada's History is the name of one of the most depraving sexual acts known to mankind. It requires moose antlers, maple syrup, and a Stanley Cup.

"Me and Kelly had sex last night"
"Did you do her doggy style, or what?"
"Canada's History"
"Ah sick, dude!"

by Stephen Colberts Martyr February 5, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

One of the most depraved sex acts of all time. 5 men all have explosive diarrhea on a single woman, then use it as a lubricant to fit all available appendages into the woman's womb.

"I'm going to my girlfriend's house with 4 other guys. We're gonna give her a Canada's History."

by Jobin66 February 5, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

A lewd sex act in which a female in a heterosexual couple sprawls out her body on a set of moose antlers and inserts the various points into orifices on her bodice. The male then unscrews the cap to a maple syrup jug with his sphincter and dips his erect penis into the now exposed syrup. The male then defecates into the top of the Stanley Cup and mixes it with the rest of the unused syrup, and then pours it onto the female. He then inserts his penis into the female's mouth and begins to rub it on her molars and wisdom teeth (granted they were not pulled) until he is on the verge of ejaculation. The man then pulls out and the woman closes her mouth so the man can ejaculate on and below her lower lip so the semen looks like buck teeth and
therefore makes the female look like a beaver. Shortly afterwards, Dany Heatley runs over both in his car.

So I hear Ronald got really drunk last night and Canada's Historyed his girlfriend.

by Moxalee February 5, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canadian History

a term coined by canadian "mount"ies for when you use maple syrup as lubrication to insert the whole of the stanley cup in your rectum while wearing moose antlers and screaming wayne gretzky's is my daddy!

all we did in class today was learn about canadian history

i was so excited aboot that hockey game i decided to do a little canadian history last night

wayne gretzky is the only important part of canada's history so im going to go do some canadian history

by SANDMAN!!!! February 5, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

A Colbert Report fan with nothing better to do.

I'm such a Canada's History I put off finishing my econ assignment to enter this definition.

by Reezie February 5, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Canada's History

A Twister-like, but sexually natured game in which a person attempts to insert moose antlers - lubricated with maple syrup - into several parts of ones partner's body while filling the Stanley Cup with the various resulting fluids. The more insertions a person forces upon his or her lover, the more "Avrils" (points) are accrued. The evening's winner must chug the resulting swill; otherwise that person will be deemed "hoser of all the land."

Gentleman 1: "Dude, brah. I'd give three dicks to teach that c-bomb about Canada's history."
Gentleman 2: "Toronto or Montreal rules?"

by _Jabes February 5, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž