A Stupid Spongebob looking ahh mofo
hey, you see that reeve mario. i hate him
Mario Selman is just the most lit person you could ever imagine. He is just a AMAZINNNN. Me and my friends would do anything to meat him. He's just flawless , ok.
" you look good, but not like Mario Selman"
" Stop saying she's the best... Have you met Mario Selman?"
Kevin Mario is a hot babe and has a twin called melvin and everyone loves him and his boys adam and anesu
Kevin is meant to have a big dick but unfortunaty he was born with a 1 incher
Is that THE Kevin Mario
Ofc and im with ma boy mahmoud bata
i love bata
wanna kiss
ok bata
*makes out with bate*
Super mario is a video game that was released by Nintendo in 1985, and The game is about an adventure of how mario saves the princess from the evil guy bowser
Person 1 : hey, have you heard of Super Mario
Person 2 : yeah, it is actually a good game
Mario is litterally the queen of this entire planet.
Mario is a capricorn and he loves nicki Minaj. The name Mario is ONLY associated with the only Mario Servidio, from italy. One day he will become our leader and make the poor people vanish by making more money. #MARIOMINAJ2021
dont you love Mario the queen as our next leader? Of course!
Garth Mario was born on 1943 he was born at a young age and was abused by his parents for “being a lump of moose shit” he later was put up for adoption by his parents the adopted by Adolf hitler who later abandoned him in the streets because “I hate you loser haha (epic fortnite dance)” then at the age of 27 he commuted seppuku
Pros: good at making pizza and pasta
Cons: EVERYTHING else, mainly poems
Guy 1: Yo your just like Garth Mario
Guy 2: did your suck an asshole (goes home to commit seppuku