Girl throwing up and doggy style
The girl was drunk and became a spitting bonita
euphemisim for penis.
Jimmy showed me his "spitting vicar".
When you are assigned to a shift that is considered the worst possible shift at a job.
"Ah shit, I've been assigned the Spit Shift at spoons again!"
A guy who is prepared stand in front of another guy and get in his face a load of the other guys spit.
I hang around with a group of lads who spit on me as i am their spit target.
Getting out of a relationship or breaking off an engagement.
Usually there is a very good reason for making the
break and getting away.
Ann: "Can you believe Steve was screwing around with Dawn's best friend just 2 months before the wedding?"
Sue: "Damn, I'm so glad she spit the hook on him."
"Dude, I spit the hook as soon as I found out that bitch was a crackhead."
"Yo girlfriend, you do what you want to do but if my guy did that shit to me, I'd spit the hook in a minute!
When you gargle cum so long it curdles into Jizzmilk. You then spit it into a cup and watch your partner drink it. They repeat the process until the spit milk is cumcheese. You then grate the cheese and serve it over the cumsghetti at Cum Central.
Sperman: Hey Elyse, wanna make some spit milk with me? Then we can go to Cum Central afterwards.
Elyse: Sure, I'm your cum dumpster Sperman.
Sperman: You're so funny! Lets get these off you.