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The next popular thinsg to come around. Lots of people think scence and think emo, or hardcore, but really it's just crap.

Guy: OMGZ! I bought a vampire pin at Hot Topic!!!!1111!!!! Aren't I scene

Me: *under breath* dumbass. . . .

by Very_Fun_Day November 18, 2006

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something everyone seems to have a problem with when they should really just shut the hell up and get on with their own lives.

bob: scene sucks *whine*

by sam sam sam July 31, 2006

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A group of pirates who release cams, telesyncs, R5 Lines, and other forms of pirated media, mainly motion-picture films. Most, if not all scene releases are spread on public Bittorrent trackers.

I downloaded a scene release and put it on Demonoid.

The scene is gay.

by Duffle August 10, 2007

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A lifestyle/fashion statement created by the users of myspace. Usually it's kids with a lack of self definition who live their lives by the trends set by other people who look just like them. Scene kids are also always whining about people "copying" them, how they brought a trend back, etc, and often attempt to copyright everything.


hair extensions
"coon tails" (stripes dyed in sections of hair)
facial piercings (lip, snakebites, monroe, septum, etc)
trendy tattoos that they'll regret in a year
heavy eye makeup
random patches of different colors in hair
two-toned hair
super skinny jeans
band tee shirts
striped shirts
flat shoes
animal printed clothes
hello kitty accessories
guaged/stretched earlobes
choppy layered hair
"emo" bangs
nike shoes
patterned clothes
long necklaces
"big" hair

Usually they pretend to be vegan/vegetarian and take extreme pride in it. They really words such as "brutal", "murder", "genocide", "doom", "cunt", "anorexia", "slut", etc. Usually the girls, and guys, are self centered and take pride in their vanity and claim to be perfect.

"that scene girl's hair is ridiculous"

"there were hella scene kids at that show last night"

"scene kids always travel in packs"

"that scene girl from myspace was at the mall last night"

by breefreesince2003 September 11, 2007

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Scene kids: (Noun) The kids who have lots of @^&#$*%^@! stuff in their names on AIM, Myspace, Livejournal, Xanga, ect... Or, not a name at all, but something like, "The depressed teenage angst inside my mind is wasted on you." Over 70% of scene kids are addicted before the age of 13, and usually realise it isn't cool around the age of 17, but there ARE some exceptions. They listen to music no one has heard of (including themselves, they make it up) The stile however, does not have to be Emo, you will often find "Gothic" "Xcore" and "Punk" scene kids.
Most importantly, a scene kid believes that everyone else is trying to be like them, and they are the originals. Please note the great example of irony.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: So i got this new CD the other day... its by "A Place Far From Home" its totally awesome!!11!1

Metalhead24 wrote: Hey, Scene kid, that band isnt real, you made them up.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: NO, Their real, you just havnt hrd of em, their "UG Xcore".

Metalhead24 wrote: Whats UG Xcore?

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: Under Ground Hard Core, god, l1ke, dont U k^0W 4nyTh1^g?

Metalhead24 wrote: Apparently Not.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: p053R.

by Snowskater13 November 17, 2005

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The scene style is vey popular!!!They would wear skinny pants or maybe a skirt or maybe a tutu.Theu love Hello Kitty,Pokemon,Spongebob Squarepants,cupcakes.
They have long or very short choppy hair...they dye there hair black or blonde with lots of colorful extencions.

scene kids rock!!!!<3

by ZzNICOLEzZ December 3, 2008

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Punks who think they're so tough and badass, they have to cut their hair in ways to make themselves look like they got hit with like, a lawnmower. Usually they fail though, and they look more like a greasy disgusting mess cause most people don't know how to cut hair or use eyeliner. Scene kids usually wear stupid lookin green makeup, and they walk around all hunched over cause their pants are so tight that their intestines are slowly being crushed over time. They stare at you when you walk into the store to try to like intimidate you, then when you look back at them, they try to act like they aren't looking because they know that I could totally beat the shit out of any of them cause they're all anorexic. They usually walk around in packs because they're all insecure idiots, and if you fight with any of them, they'll sic all their fake friends on you instead of dealing with you themselves. Then they try to act like they're totally badass, with their stupid hair and ridiculous clothes, but honestly, if you're so badass, go do boxing or something. But wait, they can't do anything that actually requires skill because they're too busy checking their myspaces or walking around town trying to get attention from people who think they're conformist retards anyways. They also pretend to be vegan cause it's in style or whatever, but then they tell you that "you can be vegan and eat chicken" cause basically, most scene kids are like 15 years old, uneducated, lack all morals and principles, have no friends, and no life.

They're in effect, just losers who wear screwed up lookin costumes and have fantasies about being tough, but actually, they're kinda weak. No, really weak, and in every respect.

"Hi, I'm scene. I'm not gonna get caught up in your myspace drama, but I am going to tell all my friends to send you messages over the internet threatening you because you called me out on the fact that I look like an idiot. I'm also too weak to do anything about it, but then I'm going to tell you to meet me so that I can get my ass beat and then you'll go to jail for breaking both my arms, one of my legs, and tearing my brain out of my skull. Kthxbai!"

by Ayawillbeatyourass August 19, 2007

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