When a person enters your closed room, and then leaves without closing the door behind them.
I sincerely believe that he has Door Syndrome, he always leaves previously closed doors open wherever he goes.
When it is very difficult to get into a club, the "doors are tough" or "serious" meaning either that you will not be let in without an ID or that you have to be incredibly hott or look like a model (or terribly rich if you're a guy)
Please refrain from bringin the fat chicks to this club in soho 'cause they have tough doors. Bring co co instead
Trapping the female genitalia in a door
Ouch I trust trapped my vagina in the door , now I’ve got a parakeets door
A woman whose rear end is so large it looks like the cargo doors on the back end of a lorry.
Hey, look at the size of that woman's booty.
Yeah, it looks like the cargo doors on my lorry.
The act of doing a guardian door in Daemonheim in RuneScape.
Can be abbreviated as "g-ding".
Commonly just referred to as just 'doing a guardian door', but professional dungeoneerers use this term instead to save time when typing.
Player 1: Gtgd, help with guardian-dooring
Players 2-5: Omw
basically a cool way to say where do you live or whats your adress
hey wheres the door
The thing that closes when you unfriend or block someone on social media, likeFacebook.
"Don't let the e-door hit you Iin the as in the way out. "