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pink hoe

a teenage girl whose whole wardrobe consists of Victoria's Secret Pink clothing and owns a variety of fragrances and other things from the store that they don't necessarily need

Look at that girl, Pink sweatshirt, Pink sweatpants, Pink bag, smells like Pink, definitely a pink hoe.

by rinsandrepeat February 28, 2011

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

my pink

someones best friend. the reason why you wake up in the morning

person 1: you’re my pink.
person 2: what’s that?
person 1: you mean everything to me.

by lolztbh January 31, 2021

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pink floydism

Religion that worships the band Pink Floyd and must do sacrifices to the gods

Dude #1 "Dude, where you going man?"

Dude #2 "I'm gonna go sacrifice this pig to the gods man, remember? I worship Pink Floydism"

by ThatSurferDude September 17, 2013

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pink Pelvis

The female equivalent of blue balls. The condition a woman develops when she is seduced to the point of an explosive orgasm, and then abandoned suddenly by the seducer. It should only be attempted by a really skilled seducer since an amateur is quite likely to become impressed by his seduction of the woman and allow her to proceed to the aforementioned explosive orgasm. Pink Pelvis should only be given as a punishment for serial Blue Balls givers.

Q: Hey, why's Sharon so bitchy today.

A: Man, i gave her the Pink Pelvis last night.

Sharon's victim: Serves her right for Blue Balling me 3 times!

by Your shrink's brain October 22, 2010

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

mr. pink

The single most amazing person in the movie resevoir dogs.

Mr. Pink:
I don't believe in tipping.

by Trent Chavira May 29, 2008

80πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

pink elephants

what you see when you are incredibaly drunk off your ass

my dad came in the house and humped the air, claiming it was a pink elephant

by ShadowsOfBlood February 8, 2004

82πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

pink pussy

An alcoholic shot consisting of Tequila rose and Buttershots, 50.50 in a shot glass. Tastes like strawberry milkshakes.

Guy: You want another pink pussy?
Drunk girl: (slurred) I already have one. Wanna see?
Guy: Check please!

by Charlemagne816 July 27, 2007

179πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž