Source Code

High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Contests


High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Contests

by Abreathofaversaillian February 28, 2025

Giga Pressures

A lot of pressures

The science man told me about Giga Pressures

by Giggggggga presssure March 23, 2016

High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Perianal abscesses That Morph Into A Cystic Lesion


High Blood Pressure And Hypertension Are Perianal abscesses That Morph Into A Cystic Lesion

by Abreathofaversaillian March 1, 2025

peer pressure the musical

Another name for famous off Broadway musical Heathers

Heathers is literally peer pressure the musical

by Dead mom August 6, 2023

Pressure tanking

Drinking a great amount of alcohol in a minimum amount of time.

Tonight's gonna be pressure tanking with the guys!

I do wanna get wasted, let's hit the all you can drink bar and do pressure tanking!

Let's pressure tank tonight!

Dear lord, I have a bloody hungover! Must be because of the pressure tanking in the 2£ bar last night!

by CommanderCody May 27, 2017

Pressure makes Diamonds

A saying used by fools. Make's no sense. Stab me with sporq.


I heard that Hannah turned out well! Sure! Dude! YEaHHAHEHE Pressure makes Diamonds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

by MEMESFORTHENIGHT October 10, 2023