Pittsburgh, (Western PA.), way of saying “and that.”
“Are you goin to drive to the store n nat later?
going HAM but with a side of cheese.
Jim: Yo, we goin Ham tonight?
Mike: Nah dawg, we goin Ham N Cheese!!
a type of nickname formed by adding "izzy" or "eezy" to the first syllable of one's name.
e.g.: Weezy, Drizzy
Hey I got my new Izzonym, It's Jizzy ....
Hipster speak for a shart, when a seemingly innocuous foof unexpectedly follows through with a poof.
May also refer to the sex act of being farted and pooped on.
Me: “Dave, that sounded like a foof n poof”
Dave: “Sorry man. I better go change my undies”
An advanced sales technique commonly used to exert dominance over a customer who is being an idiot. The salesman will slam his hands down on the table as hard as possible. When the customer looks up in shock to see what happened, the salesman will immediately slap the customer. This lets the customer know you are NOT there to screw around.
This customer is totally unreasonable. I may have to give him the Ole strike 'n slap.
Fucking until both of you finish after which the two of you move into a snuggle postion because it was just that good
"Hey you and Jim fuck-n-snugg last night?!"
"No! That ass left as soon as he came!!"