To do the absolute minimum in the workplace, making sure all tasks are completed to a minimum standard with absolutely no extras.
Lol he just does his work and leaves almost as if he knows his employer is nothing more than the medium by which money enters his account, he’s such an efficiency king.
😱: Joseph Alexander Martinez Is The Leader Of Latin Counts, Kings, Queens, And Latinx
As opposed to a California King, a Florida King is a trashy and manipulative person; a walking red flag
On our date, he decided to mansplain the history of women’s rights to me. He’s such a Florida king.
A Florida king is a person whose house is a total disgusting mess. It could also be used to describe someone who is kind of a red flag but it could also describe an ick.
Person A “I went to his house right”
Person B “yeah, how’d it go?”
Person A “He showed me his room but his room was more of a forgotten toilet at a deserted gas station. He had just a nasty stained mattress on a dirty carpet, a leftover old bowl of cereal and spoiled milk that smelled horrible, an open can of pepsi and roaches everywhere.”
Person B “Damn he’s a real Florida king”
A male leader of societal transformation
Key social justice kings range from Darrow the "Slave King" in *Red Rising*, to Martin Luther King, Jr. himself.