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The North Korean Trump Card

When you're eating your girls pussy and she tries to crush your head so you shove your fist up her ass impaleing her as you say thats fake news.

I nearly died last night she pulled the North Korean Trump Card

by Suited girriffee August 17, 2017

All Trump Lies Are True.

When the world has quasi-zero reasons to doubt the Liar-in-Chief’s manifold falsehoods, because what he says is false is true, and what he says is true is false—does this arguably paradoxical statement make him a truth-teller or a liar?

Doesn’t the statement “All Trump lies are true.” sound like a paradox? If he lies, this means that what he says isn’t true, which makes him a truth-teller. If he doesn’t lie, this means what he says is false, which makes him a liar. So, is he a liar or a truth-teller?

by MathPlus April 15, 2021

111👍 145👎

Post Trump Stress Disorder

A neurological disorder and condition that affected Jim Acosta in the 4 years of covering news and correspondence at the White House during the Trump Administration. Symptoms include burns in the butt-hole, rash, and difficulty in coping with Trump crushing criticism of Jim's propaganda. Complications include; ranting all over the news about he suffered during the Trump era, promises not to talk about Trump again but keeps talking about him which shows how its very difficult to get rid of the butt-hole burns Trump has caused him.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for such condition. However, it's avoidable. Avoid listening to CNN, Jim Acosta, or any libtrad leftist and their propaganda machine.

Jim Acosta: I am suffering from Post Trump Stress Disorder
American People: We don't care.

by TrueVision20 April 4, 2021

56👍 95👎

Donald Fucking .J Trump

The 45th president of the United States that has fucked the U.S. into fucking ablivion.

Thank God Donald Fucking .J Trump isn’t our president any more.

by MasterSwordsman January 1, 2021

685👍 158👎

Donald J Asshole Trump

Some fat bitch that is some how a celebrity that likes to hide in bunkers,wear a toupee,likes to kiss minors,and just being a little fat bitch in general.

Person 1:Donald Trump is an asshole.
Person 2:Donald Trump looks like shit.
Person 3:Donald J Asshole Trump should be out of office.

by Some secret Bitch September 22, 2020

671👍 142👎

Trumped up

Pumped up for trumps presidency.

I am not trumped up.

by lego adam November 10, 2016

5👍 324👎

drop a donald j trump

a particualarly nasty defecation, usually after a night out eating questionable roadside food

Damn that burrito last night was nasty, i just had to drop a donald j trump

by dr gonzoid December 30, 2019

666👍 138👎