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Things that are necessary.

Kelly's attitude is so not water.

by Troy Liu March 15, 2016


In gay circles water refers to either GHB or GBL; in San Francisco, a lot of guys carry bottles of GHB or GBL premixed with another liquid, usually real water of the H2O variety, in their backpacks making it convenient to drink while on the dance floor, at a sex club or at a party without having to measure it out first.

Calling up a friend before going out. "hey will you bring some extra water with you tonight, I'm out"

by Bahloo February 7, 2022


gods nectar

i loving drink water from his elbow

by big_al's_bf June 17, 2022


you fucking idiot. you really had to look this word up ya dumb fuck.

slerp dat water (wada)

by welikefortnite March 12, 2019


water. the best drink out there. better than coke and pepsi, arizona iced tea, sprite, milk, chocolate milk, flavored water, you name it. drink water and don’t be that guy

Bob drank 8 bottles of water in 1 day

by Username0001 May 17, 2022



Water is wet

by Cthulhuzzz January 14, 2019



water is fucking wet

by ashk3g October 1, 2018