It means "Green Fuck Nigga!" This is used when someone shoot a basketball and makes it "wet".
Jalen: "Bro you not makin' that shot.
Anthony: "Green FN!!"
*makes shot*
Jalen: "My bad big bro..."
green fn refers to “green fuck nigga”, which is a reference to the NBA 2K series. a green shot means a 100% chance of it going in, or in other words, a perfect shot. this term is used commonly by the African American population while playing sports. this meme was popularized with an image of peter griffin shooting a fadeaway middy.
*dribble dribble shoot* “Green Fuck Nigga” (green fn) *swish*
Green fuck nigga. Is usually said when playing basketball, upon shooting a guaranteed shot. The green originates from basketball videogame NBA 2k, indicating perfect shot accuracy.
- “you not Kobe that shit ain’t going in”
- “green fn”
Green fuck nigga. Is usually said when playing basketball, upon shooting a guaranteed shot. The green originates from basketball videogame NBA 2k, indicating perfect shot accuracy.
- “you not Kobe that shit ain’t going in”
- “green fn”
a person who brings that kind of swagger to their life off the court, in addition to their game.
"John Is so green fn"
Green FN stands for a far more explicit phrase, "green fuckin' nigga" that's used to refer to someone who is particularly suave or cool. In its original use case, the term was fairly specific to the world of basketball. That's because the term originated from NBA 2K, a series of video games in which gamers get the chance to replicate an NBA season and play with or against the stars of the modern NBA.
In NBA 2K, a green shot is one where you nail the timing and release so that it has a high probability of going in. Green shots are considered the goal for many who play the game, a "Green FN" is a person who brings that kind of swagger to their life off the court, in addition to their game.
Essentially, then, Green FN is a term that started in the world of gaming, and was eventually applied to real basketball and then to other circumstances outside of basketball.