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sexo o plomo

The best group chat to ever exist.

Sexo o plomo is better than jrbo3 w wlidato

I wish i can get added to the Group chat

by Jsjsksj March 5, 2022

t p a y o d

When you type the search bars "type any word" without every other letter. It means that you actually want to die of boredom

person : I wanna die I'm so bored
person 2 : just search t p a y o d

by Skinnypenis469 November 11, 2020


A pumpkin that was carved to look like a fool or simpleton.

He carved a wack-o'-lantern to look foolish.

by Type2GenomeManiac October 20, 2021


A really sexy guy, he attracts women with his georgus face, and he is better then an indigo and a Dingo and a Respiro

Son look there is a Demo

by bill September 19, 2003


A very angry way of saying noob, perhaps you may say this to your sibling when they sucked your toes at night.

Mum/Mom: Dearest, I would love for you to become a doctor

?: But Mother, I do not know of such methods

Mum/Mom: N O O B

by The simpo May 22, 2021

b l o

Roasted, toasted, and bloasted

How do you spell roasted, toasted, and bloasted?
b l o

by Mo Fathin September 23, 2019


Symbol used in internet conversations to denote a mythological being called a Unicorn (aka Uni). It is often believed that Unicorns do not exist or that the acquisition of a Unicorn is impossible, however the reality of experience has shown contrary evidence. Should one be fortunate enough to come across a Unicorn it is important proceed with extreme caution because the path to Unicorn companionship is long and difficult.

I hope to find a (o^o) someday.
Just met (o^o).

by papichampu October 28, 2010

1👍 7👎