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Patty Slapped

To be mentally beaten down through food commercials/media to the point you have to find sustenance, no matter what time of day or how full you are. It is a version of the munchies, replacing weed with the Food Channel.

Kaley: I just finished watching the Food Channel. I got patty slapped into making Mac n Cheese and a stir fry.

Patrick: Damn, all this talk of food is making me hungry.

by DrDreidel February 6, 2012

Turkey Slice Slap

The Turkey Slice Slap is where a woman with larger than normal flaps on her yoo hoo repeatably slaps her partner while they go down on her with her already mention big flappy bits.

"Oh god babe I love it when you slap me with your turkey slices while I lick your Wompo Shlompo!"

"I didn't know you liked the good old Turkey Slice Slap babe."

"I don't, I lied. I hate you"

by Pancake Human May 9, 2024

National "Slap somebody that has the nickname Cloud" Day (October 23rd)

If your friend has the nickname "Cloud", you get to smack them.

"Cloud" - hi
friend - guess what day it is
"Cloud" - what

oh shit
friend - its national "Slap somebody that has the nickname Cloud" day (October 23rd)

by notkenzieee October 23, 2023

Knucle slap

n, a type of hit in which you are hit in the face with the knucles of someones hand this hurts more then an average slap and somettimes more than a punch. v, the action of this

dude1: dude whats wrong with your jaw it looks like you were hit in the face with a lead pipe

dude2: that fucking cunt steve knucle slaped me

by Wise old Buck March 29, 2009

slap a hoe

if there is a hoe is your life then slap them and hit them like no other

time to slap a hoe!!

by urmomislit April 20, 2019

Chuck Slap

The act of slapping an inferior being with a low-top Chuck Taylor shoe, most commonly in the face, usually in the form of a sneak attack from behind.

Also known as: Peasant splat (A more extreme form)

After the peasant's unsanctioned disrespect, it was essential that he received a swift chuck slap. He was lucky I didn't peasant splat his ass.

by Mershon Jr. December 7, 2011

Slapping rice

To be fuckin there bitch or girl

Yes Mike I'm slapping rice with your bitch

by Squints2316 December 16, 2022