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Box Nichols

A box that looks as a cockroach that twiddles it's lil antenna mumbling "Andrew Nichols"

This box will fill you up with the Gon, I'm Box Nichols, The Cockroach Andrew.

by DevilWitch February 10, 2023


Socks off panties down

Boxing is socks off panties down

by Hshs svhdvdhdh November 21, 2018


To go around and take other peoples mail from the mailbox. Wanting to find checks, cash, or CC cards. Only poor, broke, homeless, losers do this act. They need some sort of way to get money while having no job.

FleetWood: Hey Tasha, did you hear what happened to Stephanie Smith?

Tasha: no Fleet, what happened?

Fleetwood: The dumb bitch got arrested for Boxing, the fishers PD caught her with 4 different peoples mail. She even had some stolen CC and blank checks she got out of their boxes.
Tasha: Damn Fleetwood, I told Stephanie Smith to stop boxing around here a while ago, her broke ass was gonna get caught, for boxing.
Fleetwood: She should of stayed out the neighbors boxes and stayed trying to get in yours.

Tasha: hahaha I would never let that nasty boy looking lesbian in my box fleet. I just let her think she could get in it.

Fleetwood:: hahahahaha

by Newwordsned September 15, 2022


when you dream about sleeping

boy 1-dang, I just had the weirdest dream about me sleeping.
boy 2- bro you were BOXING?

by tyranospider March 1, 2022


The sport or practice of fighting with the fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules.

Let's play Boxing.

by your local fnf fan August 19, 2021

madder than a box of cats

This is a commonly used phase when describing a "very angry" person or person acting in a "crazy manner".

For example My boss was madder than a box of cats when he didn't get his monthly report on time

or My mum was madder than a box of cats with my dad on Friday.

by Karenyo May 12, 2016

Jizz box

Small box typically cardboard filled with spunk and is then ingested by your other half typically with cheerios

love, im feeling funky can we do a jizz box tonight

by marckowski January 6, 2023