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the pile of shit has a thousand eyes

from Stephen Kings short story "The Body"
this quote also appears in the movie "Stand By Me" which was based off the book as "a pile of shit has a thousand eyes"

stated by character Teddy, meaning that though he, indeed, may be a pile of shit, he is still all seeing and all knowing.

"You four-eyed pile of shit!" Chris said.
"The pile of shit has a thousand eyes." Teddy said gravely, and both Chris and I cracked up. Teddy stared at us with a slight frown, as if wondering what had gotten us laughing.

exact quote from page 297 of Stephen King's short story anthology Different Seasons.

by crazo May 22, 2008

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Perpetual smiling eyes disease

A neurophysiological disorder that occurs in certain people (usually a girl, usually named Kalina) who are irrationally happy all the time. As a result, they are never able to stop their eyes from smiling, even with strenuous effort. It is a very unfortunate condition that causes immense career success and likability. Condition is currently incurable and is spread by direct interaction with others. Please beware.

Jim: β€œKalina! What happened with your face?”
Kalina: β€œ....Perpetual smiling eyes disease”
Jim: β€œ...oh...”

by A chocolate flavored quark August 21, 2019

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Dick as far as the eye can see

When your somewhere and there is only males.

Dude 1: Hey man whats up with that party? Is there any hot babes?

Dude 2: No man just dick as far as the eye can see.

by peteypablo204 January 6, 2010

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Taking old one eye to the optometrist

The "act"...fucking, getting business done.

I had a wild night with Linda...I was taking old one eye to the optometrist when Mom walked in on us.

by Dano69 November 14, 2006

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

pull the wool over someones eyes

to deceive or mislead someone

They think they can pull the wool over his eyes but they can't fool anyone. (example of pull the wool over someones eyes)

by The Return of Light Joker October 22, 2009

58πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

My eyes! They feel like needles!

What one screams in agony when one's eyes feel like needles.

Often shouted hysterically when hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, nitric acid, citric acid or some caustic or industrial chemical enters your eyes, and you can't help but scream in pain.

Greg Gregorius (after squirting orange juice in his eye): My eyes! They feel like needles!
Me: Here, let me gouge them out for you with this plastic spoon.
Greg: No, I'm quite fine, thanks.

by PaperMachete October 26, 2005

32πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Buck Bronson's Brown Eye Slider

Term used to describe a dump, at least 6" in length, that moves slowly out of the ass and into the bowl, usually producing little to no sound and never any splashback.

Because it was a Buck Bronson's Brown Eye Slider, the poor soul in the next stall was unaware that Jim had taken a dump until it crept up his nose.

by Ducati Jeff September 11, 2006

33πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž