A Michigan meat stick is a shit so big that it spans right from the beginning of your stomach, through all of your intestines and out the ass hole.
I ate so much food last night that this shit is definitely gonna be a Michigan Meat Stick
Kosja, also known as a "Meat Penguin". It Lives mostly off of memes and doesn't go outside often unless it is accompanied by on or more of the Meatz Squad.
Hey Meat Train, Have you seen Meat Mushroom today? I would love to play some League Of Meat With him!
When one ejaculates and the result ends up on the lower torso or belly of the subject, a creamie meat hill is born.
This creates a sticky situation (pardon the pun) as you have to wash before it dries.
I have a few nights to myself, there might be a creamie meat hill or two involved.
Lonely nights call for lonely measures, a creamie meat hill it is
She wouldn't let me spaff on her tits so I creamie meat hilled myself.
5 dudes and 1 chick in a sexual relationship
Carl and the boys had a Mississippi meat pie with Candice after her shift
meat change was a revolutionized way for the meat packing industry to profit while keeping products at low prices for customers the idea was introduced in 2021 by Seema and Ryan wanting some meat to eat but it was too expensive so they went to the internet to lobby and now we need your help to bring meat change near you.
Did you hear about meat change it’s so cool we got some cheap ass fire jerky thanks to meat change.
first you and your squad unite around a piece of raw pig meat, then you stab that meat for every dude,. then you rape the frick out of the meat. when your done with the meat, cook it and make a feast out of it
Dude 1: Dude that Happy meat was awsome
Dude 2: and tasty!
A guy who wouldn't do that.
Rest in Peace Michael Aday
A.K.A Meat Loaf