Source Code

u tubed

Someone who just got their ass kicked or embarrassed by someone with a video cam then downloaded for broadcast on u tube

Did you check out that video of your sister getting u tubed by those bull dyke bitches?

by CosmicRider April 11, 2008

47πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Y U no?

Meme lingo for "why you no..." which means "why didn't you" or "why don't you" in standard English. The cartoon meme character known as "Y U No Man" always uses this phrase in his frustrated questions.

Meme character holds his stick arms pleadingly in front of his large, sweaty face and says: "Jim Carrey...Y u no funny anymore?" Y U no?

by Black@Heart February 6, 2011

338πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

Wash. U.

a smart ass school in forest park

the debates are at wash u

by turd fergeson December 27, 2005

105πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Nigga U

Short for Nigga University. The university for higher un-learning. Similar to the School of Hard Knocks. And attended by eligible Niggaz everywhere.

"I will finally be graduating next year from Nigga U with my GED."

"I tried to enroll there but they wouldnt accept my Street Credits."

by DuVay Knox November 4, 2018

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

u good

when someone is concerned about your well being or maybe is confused about something that you said. how they respond when you say/do something weird or out of control.

β€œbro, you good? you’re acting strange.”

by you’re welcome btw March 6, 2019

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

c u

See you

c u later man

by Cooliosuper January 24, 2003

217πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


Also Australian slang to do a u-turn in your car can be termed as to "Chuck a u-ey" - as in perform that manouvre

P1: You missed that turn-off
P2: Crap, better chuck a u-ey

by muttman August 20, 2004

45πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž