Source Code

Neckbeard Hitler

THE CHRONOLOGY OF NECKBEARD HITLER, PART 2: After she learned the news of his slaying, she felt too guilty not to tell Neckbeard Hitler, so she informed him of the terrible news. He, for only the third time in his life, felt empathy for a human being (the first time being when some feminist he pays half his centrelink money too explained to him the oppression of when a man accidentally rubbed up against her on a busy city train, and the second was when his body pillow ripped, which technically doesn't count as a human, but if you say that to Neckbeard Hitler, you'll be lucky to escape alive). He tried to hang himself, because he was going through that 14 year old edgelord phase, but there was no rope that would fit around his already scabbily bearded neck and 10 chins. Being the genius that he is, he attempted it anyway to no success. But then Neckbeard Hitler had a thought. One that would change the path of the collective human history forever. He decided to start rapping. He was going to become a rapper to absolutely obliterate his father's killer. He found Yung Nonce online on /b/ and decided to battle him in a war of words, a war from which Yung Nonce would never recover.

Person one: 'I hear that 'Genocide the Furries is predicted to be the hottest album drop of 2019, who's it by? Person two: 'Neckbeard Hitler, but don't say his name too loud, legend has it that he has a 200 kilometre hearing range'

by captain stiffy February 5, 2019

do a hitler

When you get mad at a particular group of people and wish you had the ability (and maybe you do) to rearrange their limbs.

If John wasn't sexually attracted to girls, he'd do a Hitler on them.

by u1tr@ $w@g m@$ter defIner April 6, 2015

Rizz Hitler

When somebody is such a high-level rizzler that they can rizz anybody and anything no matter the gender species or type of object.

Guy 1: Yo look at Russel he's gonna try to rizz 7 girls at once.
Guy 2: He's a rizz Hitler! Not even I, a rizzing grandmaster could do such a thing!

by Kingdoms of Fear Project January 26, 2023

Hitler Handjob

A Hitler Handjob is when you receive a very bad hand job,

Last night she gave a right Hitler Handjob

by Sneak952 January 28, 2017

Hidden Hitler

Place middle finger and index fingers together under nose to form a Hitler mustache and raise your arm up like Hitler, point to something or just use it as a greeting, great fun for anyone with a sense of humor, works great in a retail store with coworkers

Woman walks in the store and ask's "where are the iPods"

Man places 2 fingers under his nose and raises his hand like Hitler and points to the sign that says "mp3s and Ipods."

Woman feels like a idiot.

as a side 'game' you can use Hidden Hitler for points for blacks/jews/mexicans/ woman/
retards/cripples/bosses/ coworkers family...etc

example a woman might be worth 20points

by Medford May 17, 2008

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Hitler Challenge

Game played on Wikipedia that involves starting on a random page and trying to get to the page on Adolf Hitler by clicking on links in the wiki page.

I was playing the Hitler challenge yesterday, who knew you could get from cheese to Hitler in four clicks

by Wild Ram March 30, 2013

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hitler face

when you're through fucking someone whose at the mercy end of your sex escapades and she asks you, "Are you done?" You say not yet and then you dip the tip of your penis into a batch of dark paint and then slap her in the upper lip and then laugh histerically folllowed by drinking a 12pk of beer in the closet and hours of crying.

Last night I was so bored with the usual shit I just decided to Hitler face this broad.

by frozen quesadilla April 27, 2009

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