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Corn-fed phat!

A thick, sexy woman; a brick(house)

If I had to describe her...I'd say "brick-house"! The girl is seriously Corn-fed phat!

by talk2me-JCH2 October 17, 2023

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thick phat

Thick phat means totally awesome and hardcore supreme extreme......it means that you are infact the one

your fuckin thick phat pal

by NEO October 31, 2003

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sick phat

Something thats extremely cool.

Mel:I just won concert tickets..
Kiera:Sick Phat!!

by mdaviss99 April 6, 2006

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Phat dunn

A term used to describe a gay kid or a kid who is involved with other memebrs of his family

Hey did u hear tommy had sex with his cousin

Yes i did hes such a phat dunn

by the G of great worthiness February 11, 2009

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phat bulldog

One who plays with there shat; rolls it into little bity balls.Also of a nature to play with little boys and is insanely jealous of bovine due to him haveing no genatailia.

Phat bulldog One such individual who lurks on the PSN forums .

by Allen JAY January 27, 2008

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Phat ERA

An excellent penis that will satisfy your every need...

Belinda: Jacob I want that Phat ERA
Jacob: SoRrY I CaNt SuPpLy ThAt NoW, I'm iN a BiG gAmE oF sEiGe!
Belinda: Fine I'll get the boys...
Jacob: MaD InViTe BrUh

by Pats Boy12345 October 29, 2018

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Illusory Phat Ass

This is the illusion the majority of basic girls on Instagram and Tinder create in their pictures to make it appear as if they have a phat ass. Generally these girls will bend their bodies close to a 90 degree angle (practically breaking their back) or stick one of their legs out to achieve this illusion. They also will only take pictures from the side or from any other strange angle that can create such an illusion.

John: Dude, this chick looks hot as hell. Look at her ass! I should definitely swipe right
Brad: No, swipe left. She only took pics from side and she’s bending in all her pictures. She has an illusory phat ass

by ClapDemCheekz December 12, 2019