Source Code


if someone calls you pookie,

they are calling you ugly and OBESE!

if someone calls you ‘POOKIE

Reply back By Stabbing them.

Person 1: ‘I love you pookie!’

Person 1’s Mind: Heh, they dont know i just called them an obese APE!’

by eshay hater May 13, 2022



wow she has a nice pookie

by ki‼️ August 16, 2023


Yall it literaly means vagina

some 12yo on rb: sup pookie-
me, a cultured person: stfu it means pussy

by Rimy Jobbs January 18, 2024


The act of being a little baby about things, not performing a thing your friend has asked you to do. Or refusing to do a challenge made by a friends. Named after a thing that a mother might call her baby. Term made as a PG version to say a swear.

Guy: Hey, wouldnt it be funny if you jumped off this dock.
Ashton: No, i might get hurt.
Guy: Damnit, Ashton. Your such a pookie.

by luckyandgroovy February 8, 2022


Its whatever you want it to be to get a little boost!

When you kiss your aunt and its unexpectedly juicy, get some good old pookie

by LittlePookie November 19, 2020


A smoking apparatus used for Meth, Crack, and other substances.

Yo Daniel, do you want to hit the Pookie and get Schitz with me?

by Boywondurr February 3, 2023


Someone who is your platonic or romantic babe.

“She’s literally my pookie
frfr you guys are so cute together.”

by Rileyisafk January 20, 2024