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eat out at red robin

When you have oral sex with a girl named robin when she is on the rag

Guy 1: (comes from bedroom back to party with blood on face) what's up guys?

Party Guy 1: HAHAHA did you just eat out at red robin?! HAHAHA

Guy 1: (wipes blood off face and runs out the door crying)

by 1The Last Brave Bishop February 17, 2009

19πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

witch hunter robin

Good anime, but sadly the main charecter is a pathetic goth-waif chick, as current style MUST dictate.

Guy: You know, WHR would be a good anime if it weren't so horribley cliche'd and stereotypical.
Chick: Yeah, cut the whiney goth shit and put in more emotion.

by Alec Girard September 11, 2004

3πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Batman's Taking Robin For a Slide Down the Meat Pole


As coined by the upcoming youtube movie "The Dark Show".

Carl: What are you doing tonight.
Phil: I thought I'd help Batman Take Robin for a slide down the meat pole.
Carl: So what you're telling me is that Batman's Taking Robin For a Slide Down the Meat Pole.
Phil: Yes.
Carl: TMI.
Phil: I fucking *hate* people who say "TMI.

by theDarkShow October 23, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Soxs and Robins

A Slang term to describe random or being random.

Bruh that’s just Soxs and Robins.

by Whalerus.me November 2, 2019


robin is a wonderful partner and person he is tall kind and lovely i love him so much and i with j could take away all his problems. robin is a nerdy person but i love them for that, i can’t wait to see you in person robin<3

jake: i hate robin/val
milo: i hate you jake go fuck yourself

milo: i love robin/val so much
milo: robin/val is a wonderful person
milo:robin/ val is so handsome/pretty

by milo_is_happy March 5, 2023

Robin Meade

a former American television news correspondent. She was the lead news anchor for HLN's morning show Morning Express with Robin Meade.

Robin Meade began her career in broadcasting as a reporter at WMFD-TV in Mansfield, Ohio.5 She then worked as an anchor and reporter at WCMH-TV in Columbus, Ohio, and at WJW-TV in Cleveland

by Wendysfg May 9, 2023

Marx Robin

Stubborn, childish and naughty. He is funny and humorous.

Marx Robin is one of a kind man. Just do not try to get caught by emotions with him. He is a one real friend

by unknownPyscho November 24, 2021