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Wicked tuna

Stinky pussy

That girl has some wicked tuna

by My-name October 11, 2020

wick awes

abbreviation for wicked awesome.

Used mainly in New England, particularly in the Boston area.

That championship game last night was wick awes for sure.

by Ray-Jay June 29, 2007

Clickie Wick

When you bounce around with such swagger it can’t be contained.

Bro clickie wicks around town so much.

by LeanMcFiend November 7, 2022

Air Wick

A complete and total asshole who boofs liquor faster than you and always tries to kill himself when he drinks

Uh oh, looks like he grabbed his gun again after that last shot of bourbon... what a classic air wick

by TheOneTrueHamMan July 21, 2019

wick poking

A verb which describes the act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman

Man 1: Guess what he *pointing at another friend* was doing last night?
Man 2: Don't know. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool and all shooting some b-ball?
Man 1:Haha, no he was doing some wick poking on some woman last night.

by ca1apha5 April 6, 2011

Wicked Twister

A wicked twister is the act when a male drives his fist into the females vagina or anus and begins "wickedly twisting"

Me: hey Tyler

Tyler: ya ?
Me: I gave my girl a wicked twister last night
Tyler: I bet her clit looks like a dibble dong from all that twisting

by Punjabi revenge December 16, 2014

Darth wick

A person who has a extreme F1 and destiny addiction with a more than average amount of chromosomes and gets no bitches

Darth wick has no bitches

by Sakaaran6 September 8, 2022