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Spruce Creek High School

Also known as the spruce "geeks", not only are these losers located on the outskirts of town (Port Orange) , but on the outside of the social ladder as well. These hawks are famous for their IB program where they endure having no life for four years straight just so they can get into the same schools as everybody else. They're schedules consist of srictly studying and attending sporting events. No one has ever spotted one lurking anywhere beyond those places so consider yourself lucky if you catch the rare species actually doing something fun.

Cool Kid: "Hey, are you going to that party tonight?"
Spruce Creek High School Student: " No. I have study."
Cool Kid: "Dude, we graduated...yesterday."

by racecarbackwards February 5, 2010

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Timber Creek High School

a shit hole full of racists and gross people

โ€œyou did yall hear about the Timber Creek High School parking spot??โ€
โ€œyea, sounds just like timberโ€

by FungusRaccoon October 1, 2021

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Clear Creek State Park

where the kidz from the burgh go to get turnt!!! also the site of a staged colonoscopy-prep walk-a-thon (just a lil fun factoid to throw in there)

You going to Clear Creek State Park this summer? Boy, if you don't, you're MISSING OUT!

by JLC24 March 30, 2019

Silver Creek High School

A high school In San Jose where the food is something not even the starving Ethiopian kids would touch. A school where black kids get there own club and are highly against segregation but will not let the white kid join. Silver creek is the kind of school where girls become sluts and guys become intolerable fuck boys. Silver creek Is in the east side of San Jose and is probably more cancer than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. In short if your parents are enrolling you there you might as well kill yourself .

Holy shit my sister went to silver creek high school and now shes working the corner!!

10/10, would recommend if you're keen on getting a job at McDonalds!!

by AitsDatBoiWithCancer May 17, 2018

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up shit creek with no paddle

To be in a bind with no solution

A trunk full of dank and the blue lights come , on behind you, your up shit creek with no paddle

by tinab November 22, 2013

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Right up my creek

A phrase that can be used in place of the more common expression "Right up my street".

This expression has undertones of the word "creek" meaning arse, thus permitting to lower the tone of the conversation with most people not realising.

"I love that track" said Jenny over the loud music at Lyndsey's wedding

to which Dave shouted back "yeah, it's right up my creek"

by Vstress February 15, 2011

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Mill Creek Middle School

Mill Creek Middle is a BOOTY ass school
filled with hood rats, ratchets and dumbasses.
Prolly the most problematic chaotic school
u ever fucking attend. People smoke in the bathrooms saying wassup to lung cancer, fuck in the bathrooms, make out everywhere, fight FOR NO DAMN REASON, filled with thooters BOTH MALE AND FEMALE. Just dont go to the dumbass school you dumb ass mutha fucker.

P1: โ€œYou ever went to Mill Creek Middle School?โ€
P2: โ€œYeah every bitch stink in that mutha fuckerโ€

by babygalpaak. July 24, 2019

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