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Find a Grave

A website used for finding graves and all. It's the world's largest gravesite collection.

"Find a Grave is so awesome! I really like to add flowers on Find a Grave! Wait, hold on, I got banned?! How?!" (True Story)

by ComputerWorld February 2, 2024

Thing That One Finds

A science fiction story appearing on Apr 13, 2015 based on the exchanges with Uneducated Huckster and Fucking Cartoon. Their followers were using articles from the moron magnet and the Piss Drinking Bastard to refute the publisher of The Ethereal Gazette as Cradle of Filth's social network got a ringside seat at the controversy he invoked engaging the Uneducated Huskster. It made it's emergence on FictionPress.com with a low key word of mouth as it was trolled by factions in the industry using the author's respective screen names over the years. It's noted for using a thesis that picked apart "Dr." Kent Hovind's pseudo-academia as it revisits the first science fiction short story in passing as noted it also cited the Forbes article on "Dr." Kent Hovind.

The short story, The Thing That One Finds, is often mistaken for Real Person Fiction in a fanfiction sense when it's written in a vein similar to The Onion or The Babylon Bee but based on actual research from the findings he did about Hovind and the reverse research of his first science fiction outing also on FictionPress.com. It's based on his retorts of the Young Earth Creationists as they were pissed he revealed he's a Theistic Evolutionist as he was quiet about having an old earth view as a teenager.

by illinoishorrorman February 12, 2018

hollywoo stars and celebrities: what do they know? do they know things?? let's find out!

hollywoo stars and celebrities: what do they know? do they know things?? let's find out! or HSC: WTK? DTKT?? LFO! is a game show for hollywoo stars and celebrity's made by Mr. Peanutbutter.

Did you catch hollywoo stars and celebrities: what do they know? do they know things?? let's find out! last night?

by snechta December 5, 2024

How to Find Best Web to Print Software for Your Printing Business?

People who have a printing business are looking forward to getting the best web to print software for a long time. Although there aren’t many software in this field, it is still difficult to choose any of them. Here we will be looking at the best web-to-print software which is trusted by the companies and comparing them on different aspects to know which one should be better. It should be noted that the software choices depend on the business owner and the type of prints they require.

About Web-to-Print Software
Before looking at the best software, it is necessary to know about the web-to-print software too. This is a digital way through which business owners can process their printing orders online. Till now, this method is known to be the best way to perform online printing. The best part about using this method is that the customers can choose the design by themselves, or if they are unable to decide it, there are a few templates present in the software too. Most the business owners have started to design their storefronts through the same, and it is more convenient than the previous methods.

How to Find Best Web to Print Software for Your Printing Business?

by WTPBiz February 20, 2023

Find the Ducks

Find the Ducks is a Roblox game in which you find ducks.

Guy#1: I love Find the Ducks.

Guy#2: What is a Find the Ducks?

by BuddyMaddie April 3, 2022

Angry Finding

Angry Finding is when you stalk your ex-girlfriends tiktok, just to find her talking shit about you.

I had an angry Finding earlier when my fat ex girlfriend Caitlyn told people I cheated on her.

by funnymanbro February 11, 2024

This cat is named How to Make <illegal/suspicious item/substance> look their name up to find cute pictures!

A type of meme where it shows videos of kittens with the caption, “This cat is named How to Make <illegal/suspicious item/substance>, search their name on Google to find more cute photos!” It is usually found funny due to the question, “Would someone really fall for this?”

“Hey, Skylar, look at this cat,” Milo told him before he showed Skylar an image of a cute kitten.
“Wow, that is a really cute cat,” Skylar responded.
“Yeah, its name is How to Obtain Plutonium 239, look it up and you’ll find more photos,” replied Milo.

(Milo was saying a specific version of the meme, “This cat is named How to Make <illegal/suspicious item/substance> look their name up to find cute pictures!”)

by Freddy Fazchair October 9, 2023