A Hillbilly Party Popper is a shot shell in which the shot is replaced with confetti, scrap paper, or other ruffage. When these loads are fired paper shoots into the air and makes a popping sound similar to a party popper.
After the 4th of July there was tons of paper all over the lawn from the hillbilly party poppers.
Organization aka. Gang that originated out of pumpkin town.
I want to be a member of hillbilly thugs.
1. A redneck/hillbilly/very countryside person who lives along the Hoboken highway (goes from New Jersey to Penn)
2. A suburban/urban person living in the East Coast who either wants to be a hillbilly or is obssesed with very country things.
You like all of the redneck pages online? You are such a Hoboken hillbilly.
Jake is a Hoboken hillbilly
A Wrestler who frequently acted like a hillbilly on telivision in the 70s and 80s. He also got more into his character by fucking all of his kids at the Family Reunion
Rick- Hey Jim, dont fuck those kids
Hillbilly Jim- *precedes to fuck 12yr old nephew*
There usually young men from mid teens to early 20s who are usually loners who don't like to associate with any particular social trend or norm. They usually live in small rural towns where they don't really fit in. They are the type that wears leather jackets in the spring and uses exes gel in his hair and when he grows up hopes to move out of his small town to a big city
"Man that boy over there kinda of a loner in this small town what a urban hillbilly"
it is a country person that is an asshole only rude or disrespectful country people are called “hillbilly”
bob: “Sarah you ain’t worked for a cent in your life all you have is daddy’s money”
Sarah: “shut up bob you are nothing but a dirt licking bitch ass hillbilly”
a redneck man/woman who lives in a trailer park and has a beer belly
A hillbilly ran over a protester in his 2000s Ford pickup truck with a MAGA and Blue Lives Matter Flag dragging from the tailgate.