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Poaching a Hot Tub

1: The act of searching for a hot tub in a nearby area and doing whatever it takes to get in it...whether it be jumping fences or avoiding mean dogs or hotel security.
2: Not stealing a hot tub; more like stealing and enjoying the hot water and company of friends. Taking what you wish was yours.

"Hey man, we gonna go poach a hot tub tonight?"
"So steal it?"
"Nooo! go find one and drink some brews in a nice hot tub, that isn't ours."
"Then hell yeah, we are definitely Poaching a Hot Tub tonight!!"

by wildchildwiththeredhair December 18, 2012

In the Hot Tub with Grandpa

A woman who is sleeping with an older rich man for his money

"Did you hear about Kelly?" "Yeah man she's In The Hot Tub With Grandpa".

by Liladuck July 24, 2023

Indiana Hot Tub

When you ejaculate onto a women's chest and all the cum forms together in her belly button.

Yeah, I gave Alyssa an Indiana Hot Tub last night

by Friggin' Tony January 31, 2019

Italian hot tub

When a male ejaculates into someone elseโ€™s belly button and leaves it to marinate.

Yo, I just tried the Italian hot tub with my girl the other night. She dumped me dude.

by Yugyps July 8, 2021

Arabian Bubble-Tub

The act of entering a bath that is filled with fizzy soda, therefore bathing in the Arabian Bubbles!

Man 1 - "i'm gonna get myself some Arabian Bubbles tonight!"

Man 2 - "I'm gonna go one step further and go for a dip in the Arabian Bubble-Tub!"

Man 1 - "Thats too much bubbles for me bro."

by The Coxdogg October 1, 2010

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Yoshi's Hot Tub

The absolute worst fantasy football team on earth. The manager of this team should only be allowed to compete in Fantasy Women's Volleyball leagues from now. The manager eats bags of dicks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Bieber Fever: I'll give you Kyle Orton and Danny Woodhead for one of your runningbacks.

Yoshi's Hot Tub: Nah, I'll give you someone off my bench for Peyton Hillis and Aaron Rodgers.

Bieber Fever: Eat a bag of dicks

by Biever Fever December 14, 2010

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Romanian Hot Tub

When two people piss in a bathtub then fuck in that bathtub.

i was thinking of asking my wife if she would enjoy taking a Romanian hot tub together.

by Btrainzen October 18, 2014

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