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misfortunes never come singly

this means that bad things or situations always come in groups, they never come in a single way.

A: Guess what?!
B: What?!
A: Last night my car was stolen, anyway, misfortunes never come singly, I lost my wallet today.

by Nabeel, January 11, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

I ain't never scurred!

Is a fake form of bravery to cover up the fact that you are in fact really scurred. Usually shouted out to make it sound authentic.

Popularized by the song of the same title by Bonecrusher in 2003

Dude 1: So are we gonna jack this Bentley coup or not? Don't tell me that you gone yella on me!

Dude 2: Na bro! I ain't never scurred!

Dude 1: Aight, let's do this

by lady lynxx April 14, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

never in my wildest dreams

an unexpected, suprising thing.

Never in my wildest dreams would I expect you to ride that roller coaster.

by Dan Drzewiecki February 11, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

never put a hat on a bed

Superstition. (Cowboy superstition)

Invokes bad luck, injury, or death.

As seen in 'Urban Cowboy': Never put a hat on a bed

by susanmvh March 5, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Never nothing always something

Never nothing, always something is said to lament the horror that is facing the onslaught of never ending BS coming out of life's daily firehose at you.

This is clearly an absurd amount of BS piling up. Never nothing always something man.

by dnbdave November 15, 2022

never actually sent astronauts


Everybody know that NASA means never actually sent ASTRONAUTS

by Hard Core Truth May 27, 2019

I'm never drinking again

I say this every time I suffer a hangover or regret some things I did/said the night before, but when I say this I'm a fuckin' liar lol.

Person 1: I'm never drinking again
Person 2: Famous last words
Person 1: No, honest! This is the worst hangover I have ever suffered and apparently I had some gay sex with another man and I'm straight
Person 2: I know what will cure your hangover!
Person 1: And what's that?
Person 2: Another beer
Person 1: Has PTSD over seeing the beer in his hand

by Eddie the Head August 5, 2022