The sounds that snakes make
Snake: "ssssss"
Person: did i just hear SSS-noises?
What you say to others in your vicinity prior to making a loud/shrill sound with the equipment you're working with; the purpose is to avoid startling them by verbally notifying them of the impending noise so that they can momentarily "brace themselves in expectation", plus it gives them a chance to either cover their ears or move further away if they wish.
Tire-shop employee, preparing to re-seat a tire-bead onto the rim: Okay, everybody --- noise-alert! (Tire pops deafeningly but nobody jumps, then they all placidly resume their light conversations while waiting for the wheel to finish being prepared.)
The Loudest noise would be a Yaoi Fan girl that is screeching or it might just be a Briauna screeching in the distance , if you hear that Run
Guy 1 - "Man what the hell is that?"
Guy 2 - "It's like the loudest noise that I ever heard "
Guy 1 - "Its ....its a Fan Girl..."
The two guys look at each other in fear while the screeching is coming closer
The humorous way that the Baron of Swamp Castle tells people to shut up, in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Prince Herbert: "But father..."
Baron: "Shut your noise, you!"
Fairfield slang for fucking a chick, but out here we mollywhop and run mobby trains yadadamean?! We go 18 Dummy in this Bitch!
Little Boys, Press the mute button cause I don't wanna take her for the noise, EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Olga: Hey Chaz I don’t recommend drinking that Wild Turkey!
Chaz: Nah fuck that noise I’m gonna get blacked.
Being loud AS FUCK and being a jokester
William: Eric stop making Fan noises you unfunny bitch!
Eric: n o