“You saw me standing alone…”
“Without a dream in my heart…”
“Without a love of my… own…!”
I said blue moon…
You s-
Penchester united fan: STFU
When a person ragesor tries to be funny when he or she is roasted.
Person 1: You suck Person 2: THATS WHAT SHE SAID!
a phrase that you would use to turn an innocent sentence, sexual.
Example 1:
"why is it so big i dont think it'll even fit"
"thats what she said"
Example 2:
"it's so small LOL"
"thats what she said"
Example 3:
"if you go too hard it'll break"
"thats what she said"
An adults way of finishing a statement as if it were factual with no actual way to back it up. When a mother has used this term best believe the conversation is over, and she “won”.
-Why can’t we do it this way? It’s faster.
“Cuz I said so”!
-Why can’t I go to the movies?
“Cuz I said so”!
baba bouye
Hey would you like i said BABA BOUYE sandwich. It is a sandwich topping
A thought-terminating cliché used by authoritarian parents to suppress disobedience and critical thinking in children. Often most seen in Asian parents.
Child: Can I get a switch for my 14th birthday? All my friends have one and I wanna play with them at recess
Parent: No. No fun allowed in school, only study.
Child: But why?!
Parent: Because I said so!!!
Some guy sitting next to them in public: *slow claps* Wow! What an answer! I'm sure your child is totally going to believe that one!
5👍 4👎
when someone says an inuendo you say thats what she said
person 1- holy shit thats mad big
me- thats what she said
17👍 24👎