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Shark Tank

A television program on US network ABC, where hopeful entrepreneurs pitch their idea to five investors and see if any of them take the bate.

Hey Mary, it's Friday! Shark Tank is on tonight!

by Telephony August 2, 2014

46πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

European Sharking

1. A heinous yet undeniable satisfactory act where a man, ussually masked and hooded, qiuetly masturbates unnoticed in a corner until the moment prior to ejaculation, at which point he runs up to an unsuspecting woman and bestows his load upon her face, then sprints away before revenge can be enacted upon him

2. The process of blowing a load onto a women wearing high heels to ensure a safe get-a-way, ussually with a hidden camera man nearby to immortalize the sheer audacity of the sharker

3. For another version, see japanese sharking

"Damn european sharking got me again, time to bust out the industrial strength shampoo!"

Friend 1: Good God, arent you a whore?
Friend 2: No... it was a european sharker, the bastard!
Friend 1: Well did you make him pay for it?
Friend 2: I was wearing high heals *starts crying* he got away..

by Jakndakster November 3, 2011

124πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Shark Fuck

Sharking or the Shark Fuck

(This position takes a bit of preparation)
Sharks have 2 penises that are inserted into the female during copulation.
For a man to achieve the same thing first he must β€œClone HIS Bone” (dosent count if you use any old dildo).
Once you have an exact replica of YOUR penis your ready to shark fuck.

When I shark fuck I prefer to warm up both holes with a bit of double dipping from my own monster, when you ready to pop your cork drop the cloned bone into her snatch and surprise her sphincter with your cock.

Now fill her ass with custard…… one of the benefits of this position is she can continue to fuck her self with you (cloned) cock while you go wash the turd nuggets from under your bell ender, there is limited fall out (on your side of the bed) and if done in the morning she will probably txt you at about 10am complaining about the fart she tried to slip out on the bus that resulted in her knickers being filled with shart spooge.

by Lord Hanson January 21, 2010

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

shark battle

A battle where the two combatants place their hands above the head in an attempt to emulate the shark's top fin. The combatants then proceed to headbutt and bite each other while making shark sounds.

The two shark battle combatants ended up in the hospital.

Shark battles are illegal in Texas.

by Argonak April 13, 2008

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

shit shark

a person employed to pump out and clean septic tanks or portable toilets

I can't believe Joe makes $22 an hour. He's a fuckin' shit shark.

Union job, dude.

by Dr. Badwrench September 22, 2006

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

loan shark

a loan shark is someone who'll give someone else a loan (usually a pretty large sum) and then charge a ridiculous amount of interest. when the loan wasn't paid they would usually use force to get their money. this term, or, ahem, profession is usually linked to the mafia.

Paul Castellano took a large portion of Roy DeMeo's loan sharking income.

by adry July 19, 2004

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Shark City

A nickname for the city of Norfolk, VA the less fortunate people in this city have named this city shark posting shark attack all around the city.

Where you from?
Shark city mf !!

by Reekman813 September 17, 2019

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž