Her: Linda I’m pretty tired , gotta sleep now
Her friend: Okay good 9ght
Her: 9ght
Great place to troll for trout
That bar is full of good hair vs Bad hair angst
i want to fucc you and u have a phat ass
i like that song , when they reply to ur story and say thats a good song it menas they want to do anal
The good members are a racist foundation started in 1918. They hunt down people who are not of their race, (cocaisian/white) and Lynch them.
Is that person a founder of the good members?
Yes, they lynch other races for fun.
Evolutions gift to heterosexual men and bisexual women.
Her sticky goodness made my mouth water; the sound was as delicious as the taste.
It a word which means 'How are you ?' in Hong Kong English (Chinglish or Honglish)
Some person in Hong Kong don't speak English but they have to talk to foreigner so they'll say 'You Good Mother'.
"You good mother ? My name is Jimmy."