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deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes

Something so lifeless or useless (dead) that it out-deads even the lifeless-ness of Kristen Stewart's acting. This term first coined by Maria Walters, aka Masala Skeptic of Skepchick in the post "Reclipse: Yes, Twilight still sucks"

Zombies' brains are deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes.

by ariklkira June 2, 2012

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Read it out loud.

Tony: Eye All We Tall Did?
Josh: Haha, retard..

by TonyVo! May 1, 2009

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i have a fuck in my eye

When someone rubs their eye with their middle finger as a way to covertly flip off someone else.

Sarah: Hey look it's that jerk who called you a slut yesterday!
Kat: Hang on, I think I have a fuck in my eye

by KitKat28 October 2, 2012

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One Eyed Willy's Eye Patch

a prophylactic or condom; jimmy hat.
(AKA, Gonad Goggles, Spunk or Splooge Spittoon, Pricknic Basket, or Uterus Excluderous)

Have to go to the pharmacy and pick up a couple of boxes of One-Eyed Willy's Eyepatches...remember, two nuts driving a hot rod should always wear a helmet!

by weave March 25, 2003

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look with your eyes, not with your mouth

a response given to someone who always asks "have seen my ____." Especially useful when said person took little or no time to actually "look" on their own.

Stupid Roomate: "Have you seen my car keys?"

You: "Look with your eyes, not with your mouth."

by Randomaxe May 17, 2012

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Slouching Red Eye Gay

Someone that slouches and get piss off easily to kids wearing caps specially black ones. Someone with reddish ugly eyes (seems that he's watching male to male porn each night, I can tell by just looking at his ridiculous eyes), walk and talk like an abnormal child (autistic, mongoloid, special child). Pretends that he's smart even not. With also a very bad taste on fashion. And he's gay.

Gabriel Dy of Tacloban: Hey, you take off that cap or I'll suck your dick.
Boy: Yeah right, okay-okay.
Gabriel Dy of Tacloban: Show some respect to me even though I suck dicks. *Cries and walk away*
Boy: Damn, that slouching red eye gay, have been watching male to male porn again, tsk tsk.

by stainsonkeyboards187 June 25, 2009

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skate board to eye guy

This term is used by the skating comunity
it is a term that is used to describe a skater who has a black eye or when the skate board comes in contact with someones eye

the term comes from the show bill nye the science guy for people or are unfamiliar with bill nye he is a scientist who had is own tv show it was verry popular in the 90s
the term is relativley close to bill nye the science guy and is often sung with the theme song

"skate board to eye guy
skate,skate,skate skate
skate board to eye guy

this term derived from influence on the southern California culture and was featured on a video called beard no beard this arose the popularity and was the start to this saying
it is no used on a common bases in Connecticut and the eastern side of the united states

yo dude i pulled a skate board to eye guy today at the park i was trying to do a kick flip and the board kicked under me and got me in the eye

by jaju baller July 11, 2008

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