the "<|B" emoji symbolizes a swag wizard/swag wizard moment, the term is often used when commenting on something that you find cool or just epic, emphasizing the epicness of the situation.
Dave: YO bro i just got a new game it's so epic
John: <|B
John: that's a swag wizard moment right there
When you take a dump on a girls chest and season it with Old Bay.
Last night got crazy. I gave my girlfriend a B-More Brown and now I'm out of seasoning for my crabs
the distance away you are from your friend when you raise your hand to dap them up
"Bro I never know when Jamiroquai is gonna dap me up until the last second"
"Yeah, his range b is short as fuck"
She is house broken, friendly, and great with kids and other animals. She is low energy so exercise isn't a necessity and waking her from long rests and naps is unadvised. She loves to cuddle, and can be taken most places. Her favourite treats are chicken nuggies and slurpees. She does tend to be upset if you get her the wrong flavours though. While fearful, she does demonstrate good guard instincts when left home alone. She can be left alone and only shows distress when you leave, calms down fairly quickly there after. She likes to meet others as well, but can be slightly jealous if anyone shows interest in her people. We have had success in teaching her new things. Some extra attention during thunderstorms is quite common or else she may whimper and cry (refer to favourite treats). All in all, she's a good girl 🐕
We have a Kelly B
He’s the most handsome boy ever.
My boyfriend.
Person: “who’s Lewis B?”
Me: “Lewis B is the most handsome, cute, amazing boy ever!”
Dat kid who swiped up on Bianca’s yolo, dat kid who always cappin, dat kid who always fucking 6’2’’, dat mf who beats his wife/wives/children.
Bro Mike B seriously cappin
Mike B is tall as shit
Mike B beat his kids last night and it was soooo funny
Did you see what Mike B said on Bianca’s yolo