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At Least I Didn't Support Trump

This is a manifesto statement that you can fire back at anyone who insults you, criticizes you, abuses you or puts you down. It's a statement of STRENGTH and CHARACTER. It affirms that you use your brain instead of falling for any loudmouth hypocritical hateful egomaniac. It means that you never have and never will recognize Donnie Douchebag Jerk TraitorTrashTrump the immoral immature ill-mannered fascist racist sexist daughter-molesting SMF as a President of the USA or even as a human being. It means that you don't fall for false messiahs, Trumpster did say he was the 'Chosen One' after all. It means that you have more morals, maturity and scruples than the person who is badmouthing you. This assumption has NOTHING to do with partisan or political issues, it's a moral and ethical one. Trump is a quisling, a puppet of Putin, a Russian sputnik, and a shrieking scowling Caligula antichrist with a personality cult that hangs like a thick gloomy cloud. When you say this phrase, you are stating that you are an American who supports our Constitution and the freedoms it encompasses. It means you embrace the diversity of what makes America great. It means that you are nobody's fool, not a sucker, not a dumb stooge and that you think for yourself - that you are not an easily impressed ignorant starfucker. And attempting to overthrow the government after losing an election is NEVER cool.

1. Teacher: Billy Idle, why are you so lazy? You didn't read the assignment, did ya? You're not good for anything!

Billy Idle: At least I didn't support Trump.

(watch the teacher's face get red with embarrassment)

2. Dad (screaming to his daughter): You're not going out with Pinky Paul and that's that! I didn't raise you to be dating a lunkhead like him! He's a loser!

Sussudio: At least I didn't support Trump.

Dad: Arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. When somebody is itching for a fight with you, just tell that moron 'At least I didn't support Trump', and that stupid cretin will probably leave you alone because you told him that you ain't a clod - that you're not dumber than a brick like he is.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 24, 2023

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Trump’s Lies

When God’s “anointed” political savior of millions of white blue-collar workers and hundreds of thousands of white evangelicals says that two and two are five, there are no reasons why his diehard supporters should doubt or question about his brand of political math—when real statistics in politics are often concealed or concocted to boost the politician’s odds of winning an election or reelection.

For decades, it’s about “lies, damn lies, and statistics”; today, in an age of Trumpism, the new mantra for dishonesty is “lies, damn lies, and Trump’s lies.”

by MathPlus December 26, 2020

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Trump Tower

Donald Trumps genitalia

When you're giving her the Trump Tower and she yells MAGA!

by SmileyJones June 16, 2017

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The World's biggest Donald (Butt ) Trump

He has a face like mushy baby food and he has large wrinkles. He has a quadruple chin and he eats too many hamburgers. He got corona and won't wear a mask. He wants everyone to get it. He doesn't care about others. FUCK DONALD TRUMP!! BIDEN2020

The World's biggest Donald (Butt ) Trump IS TURNING INTO A POOPHEAD!

by madzeeys October 19, 2020

661đź‘Ť 101đź‘Ž

One Trump is one too many.

A phrase that implies that the world doesn’t need more fake billionaires, more corrupt leaders, more serial liars, more narcissists, more racists, and more white supremacists, but rather more God-fearing and honest heads of state who give a damn about something other than benefiting themselves and their oft-shady businesses.

Although President Biden told the world that America is back on the world stage, however, US allies feel ambivalent about this new political normal, because for them, one Trump is one too many.

by MathPlus February 27, 2021

64đź‘Ť 119đź‘Ž

You’re a mean one, Mr Trump

A CollegeHumor video that parodies the Grinch while making use of the current political climate.

You’re a mean one, Mr Trump since you said Muslims are out of control.

by Qorptocx December 31, 2019

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The condition wherein Donald Trump's (deplorable) base ignores his countless lies, and ignores his countless misstatements of facts. These loyal followers, suffering from T.A.R.S., choose to give their leader/ paper tiger, a PASS on all the diarrhea that spews forth from his mouth. These sufferers live in a dimension where facts don't matter. "Alternative Facts" are an acceptable substitute.

At the Thanksgiving dinner table, I listened in disbelief as my redneck Uncle Cletus, who suffers from Trump Alternate Reality Syndrome (TARS), waxed philosophic about Donald Trump's "record-breaking inauguration crowds".

by DemocracyLover4EVA January 9, 2019

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