A nice person 90 percent of the time but ocasinaly recedes into a emo phase that can last hours or even days. Has a small appendage.
after som1 is ded a magic man com to screen and sey S A N T I A G O
A: Hello pamtri
B: Hello S A N T I A G O
A: make a new video
B: no
A: N O W Y O U M U S T D I E
B: no
A: y
B: Because we are T I G H T ER than bark on a tree
A: oh ok
B: NoW yOu MuSt DiE
A: oh ok
B: S A N T I A G O
The beautiful, succulent, almost god-like cream that departs the vagina after you put on jorts
That juice o’ the pussy? It was lethal boys.
When a British person asks for a bottle of water, it often comes out as "could you pass me a botle o wata?"
Person 1:yea also in my McDonald's meal can I get a botle o wata?
Employee:*Snickers* a what?
Person 1: a botle o wata.