a typical lifestye of outcast teenagers from 17+ who are usually over emotional and tend to let outside forces bother them way more than nessecery... expressive individuals who tend to wear clothing out of the norm and listen to non-mainstream music sometimes containing screamo-lyrics and heavy use of guitar....note:not all emo people cut themselves or are suicidal
that emo kid is crying over a lost girlfriend
All Henriks are emo! They keep it secret because they’re embarrassed over being emo. Use the hashtag “henrikisemo” in the caption of your posts on any social medias.
Person: Hi are you emo?
Try it
when you are #brocken, #depreshun, wear all black, blast my chemical romance with no remorse, are a #socialreject.
if you relate to any of these... then i'm afraid to say it but you're emo
emo: society has made me this way
So obviously a lot of people don't know what the hell they are talking about, even the antagonist in this story, Chelsea, who thought she had hit the nail on the head. While she did list and site some ACTUAL emo bands, she also completely missed mentioning the one TRUE emotive hardcore band, who originally described their music in such a manner leading way to the entire, misrepresented and misinterpreted genre. That band would be Alkaline Trio. They truely "spear-headed" the genre. So Chelsea, you were close but you got your facts from the wrong source evidently. And for the most part, while undeniably humorous, the rest of you are retards. Good day.
Alkaline Trio founded emo, and they aren't proud of the associations made with it currently.
People who complains about their depression that really, no one cares about.
Emo: I think the world is a dark prison tha-
Me: I'ma have to stop you right there cause I could care less about your depressing ass shit.