The most pleasurable cosmic event in history.
When Uranus Was Sucked Into A Black Hole you experienced great joy.
the underball hole is a hole under the balls used for gay sex
OMG let's have sex
sure let me lift my balls to reveal my UNDERBALL HOLE
what fortnite is now and forever.
i wish i could fricking play fortnite
yeah, that black hole of fortnite}
The mouth, i.e. where you put the booze or drugs that gets you crunked.
Get that cosmo down your crunk hole and let's go to the party!
Clatty hole a girl with a bogging hole like a empty headlock doesn't wash her clatty hole jus febreezes that and her knickers
Lassies Fanny's stinking pure clatty hole
A Sieve, which is used for aerating and separating dry ingredients
Demarcus used the hole bowl to aerate and separate the flour