Person one: I just stuck a whole bag of jellybeans up my ass
Person two: g 4 u
Are you good? Wait no you literally typed every single symbol on your keyboard so why did I even ask
person 1: `¬¦1!2"3£4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeEéÉrRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}aAáÁsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL\|zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?
person 2: wtf
person 1: :)
1👍 1👎
A word no one’s ever thought of before. This happens when you press each letter, number and punctuation mark on the keyboard without pressing the Shift key to reveal the numbers on the number line and then using the Shift key you type the special symbols instead of the numbers.
Me: “Let’s see what words we haven’t typed into Urban Dictionary yet. Have we typed qazqazwsxwsxedcedcrfvrfvtgbtgbyhnyhnujmujmikikololpp?”
Daryl: “Yes, this word is already there.”
Me: “So let’s think of another word. Qawzsexdrcftvgybhunjimkolpqawzsexdrcftvgybhunjimkolp, this word has even more sex than anyone’s ever seen”
Daryl: “Yeah. I would type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"\|zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/? instead.”
(READ PAVLE WALK STAGE 3 TO UNDERSTAND) - This is where you are desperate and have no hope of finding anyone and your slowly turning red in the face This is LAST RESORT and in dying need of a smash. You go to your family home and come over to your grandma and bend her over to violently suck the shit out of her ass and after have anal with your grandma. After this you poison your whole family and smash the shit out of all of them when there laying dead on the floor. When the police arrive you threaten to seduce them, Than you violently snort out the window asserting your dominance against the police, They get so afraid they start to run away in fear and some even shit themselves.
Person 1: OMG did you hear about that news report on the Pavle Walk Stage 4 (FINAL STAGE)
Person 2: OMG YES THATS SO SCARY, Didn't think anyone would get so desperate...
100kg chromium oxide gold. You do the math.
My 4 chrome brakes could purchase a entire house if powderized and purified
Best group to be made and all of them play forinte.
fortnite 4 life is the bomb BRUH.
fortnite 4 life is so cool.
When you don’t know how to suck dick so you just grab the dick and start hitting yourself in the face with it instead.
When the dick isn’t hard so you 4:15 it.
Bro she was giving me the worst head ever so I 4:15’d her.
I was sucking his soft dick and it wouldn’t get hard so I had no choice but to 4:15 it.