when a farmer has a farm mostly full of chickens instead of other farm animals
1: "I visited a farm, I would define it as a 'John Cocking Farm' and it was massive. Very crazy."
2: "Why are you like this, I regret giving birth to you with my sister in law."
Lebon Joms/Johns was Norwegian Basketball Player who was cousin to Miki Jason who was the king of pop who died from dooty booty diease since 1800
“I love Lebon Joms/Johns is King fr dude”
“Ong dude” *drinks a Root Beer from Canada*
The typical bottom, so bottom they're the john of bottoms
Person 1: I thought I was bottoming!
Person 2: NO I'M JOHN BOTTOM!!
Person 1: Oh okay I'll top then
Similar to getting stank on your hang low. However, this phrase refers to the flap commonly found on the hind quarters of flannel "long johns." To be on the receiving end of anal intercourse.
After noticing the sly look on his face Dan asked, "James are you getting your long johns jimmy'd?"
A man who despises anything other than corduroy pants. He has the ability to infinitely generate corduroy pants, and morph them into any recognizable man-made object. The source of all of his corduroy pants is unknown.
Guy 1: We need to hide, man. I heard John Corduroy just escaped from the Slack Slammer.
John Corduroy: I'm kill.
Only for me
Me used that big cock so stop using it only for me
Johne is a sentance wich means that you have used the cok and its only for you
That person that doesn’t finish his food even tho they were really hungry
Ben: yo what you gonna get?
Conner: idk bro im so hungry id eat a cow
2 hours later
Ben: you barely even ate anything
Conner: im too full
Ben: yo momma should of named you leftover john