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exclamation poop

When you fart and a small poop comes out at the end.

Daniel was surprised by the exclamation poop at the end of his fart.

by Trailer Chimp October 5, 2022

Shit poop

a Shit poop is when someone poops inside someone elses poop inside someones mouth

carrey loves it when i give her the shit poop

by Carrey Shit Poop September 28, 2021

Poop bubble

Person who tries to draw attention to their medium size rear end using explicit attention seeking attire, posture or walk.

Ugh! There goes a poop bubble by me.

by UrbanDefinator May 27, 2021

Poop loop

Poop loop is the act of repeatedly defecating in intervals, also known as loops. One defecation session in the interval can last anywhere from minutes to hours. A full poop loop can last for days. Most poop loops are causes by diarrhea.

Person 1: What's poppin, brah? Wanna play some games?
Person 2: Sorry, I'm shitting. I've been in a poop loop ever since I ate at that one restaurant.
Person 1: Damn, brah... Poop loops really do suck!

by aximiel November 15, 2022

Poop loop

When you force an old dog to walk in circles in a snowstorm to help generate a bowel movement. So the turds to freeze over midway through passing.

Cmon Bud, time to do the poop loop.”

by Youngjay411 January 8, 2024

Poop Bag Fail

A "Poop Bag Fail" refers to a situation where a dog poop bag tears or rips, resulting in the dog owner inadvertently coming into contact with their dog's waste on their hands and fingernails. Some of the newer dog bags are constructed from compostable materials that are thinner, lacking the sturdiness and durability typically associated with traditional poop bags.

The dog owner experienced another Poop Bag Fail after sensing a warmth and moisture through the poop bag, only to discover a significant tear in the bag.

by OG Design March 15, 2024

Scoop my poop

A saying used when being told bad news. Normally used when not taking it all that seriously

John "Cuzz umm i kind of Crashed your car"
Alex " Oh scoop my poop, U fruit loop sloute
John "While i was running over your cat"
Alex "oh poop..... wait no muffins"

by Codey willis October 27, 2009