A fetishisation of aliens and another non-earthly beings. Can be for any appendages or features of the creature, more often than not, it is for the general incomprehensibe and indescribable nature of the alien. These feelings cause arousement for those that have this fetish.
That guy is a bit of a freak, he told me he likes q u v e r t
abel t/abel tesfaye : only the most legendary R&B singer of all time, and the hottest man alive. if you pronounce his name “a-bell” you’re a fake xo and im never talking to you. anyways happy thursdayyy! XOTWOD
“abel t is the hottest, best, most talented, kindest mf out there”
“ik bro this man’s an R&B legend. way better than beyoncé too”
When someone sends a meaningless, typo filled text usually because they were in a rush and their fingers are too stubby or fat to easily type on their phone. Analogous to the idea of a T-Rex attempting to text with its tiny hands.
Bob: Dude, did you see this gibberish Nesta sent to our whatsapp group?
Marley: Hahah, yeah man, classic t-rext! He should really lose some weight.
J. U. S. T. M. O. N. I. K. A. D, that's what stuff monikas into
A person with milk jugs. Also an autismic retard!
Janey: "Is Thomas autistic?"
Riley: "No he's just being Tubby T"
a sexual maneuver in which one flicks their partner's perineum forcefully with one or more of their digits
the t stands for taint
She was on her back so I grabbed up her legs, right? Then I shoved her knees up to her ears and gave her a righteous t-flick. Shit was so cash.