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Army Cadet

A person who thinks they are as hard as their mum’s penis just because they have the word “army” in their cadet force name.
The main traits of an army cadet is all round chavvyness, failure to clean up their buildings, poor personal hygiene and extremely strong B.O

Often known as “pongos

The army cadets left the building uncleaned last night.

by Pheasant Lord February 8, 2018

33👍 26👎

the peepeepoopoo army

In pewdiepies latest videos, the peepeepoopoo army is a bunch of pigs he had spawned in minecraft.

"the peepeepoopoo army is getting bigger"

by tubbbaaaaaa August 11, 2019

7👍 3👎

bts army

scary people that attack others for not stanning BTS. (not all of them tho some are so sweet)

bts army: hey do you stan bts?
innocent person: aw I'm sorry but no :(. I do stan seventeen txt Loona twice blackpink and other groups tho. bts is just not my thing I'm so sorry :(
Innocent person: but bts did an all-English song? its dynam-
BTS ARMY: *sends death threats*
the end

by Lipshyunjin February 17, 2021

87👍 78👎

America's Army

A FPS created by the U.S. Army as a recruiting tool. It is 100% free and 100% realistic. Includes an anti-cheat program called Punkbuster. Updates are one or twice a year.

Wanna frag it up in AA?

by =PaRtY_BaG= October 5, 2004

50👍 43👎

U.S. Army

The largest and oldest branch of the US Military. Solely responsible for winning the revolutionary war and winning the freedom of the US of A. Has taken more casualties then all other branches of the US military COMBINED!!!!!including the fucking marines (small caps used on purpose). In fact, for every marine who has ever died for his country, 16- count them six motherfucking teen) US Army Soldiers have died defending this country. of the top 20 battles fought to determine whether or not this country would exist, every one was fought and won by the the US Army. That is why it is 1st in order of precedence when the

branch of the military are shown (i.e,... Branch flags). JSYK!!!!

Thank the good Lord almighty that the "U.S. Army" was here to save us weak ass marines.

by yummybeans July 13, 2014

41👍 34👎

1450 Army

The 1450 Army is a group of people hired by the Taiwan administration DPP to sway public opinions in their favor (aka spread Pro-DPP Anti-China propaganda).

They are called 1450 because they are paid $1450 New Taiwan Dollar (around $50 USD) for the posts either for the day or the week. They will be some of the biggest idiots you will ever encounter on social media (mainly Twitter). They will move the goal post if you prove them wrong.

They have no concept of sarcasm so every joke will go over their heads. They will reply with massive amounts of copium when it comes to mainland China - because Taiwan administration has severe inferiority complex.

1450 Army often will spread Nazism and voice their love for Hitler, Zionism, American military and Imperial Japan. If you call them Chinese they will self-destruct and cry because they see themselves as white (bananas).

They will have conversations amongst themselves for days about imaginary things, RPing each other like it's D&D night. 1450s are incels.

1. 1450 Army smoking that copium.
2. The DPP trolls 1450 Army out on full force today!
3. 1450 Army sucking white dicks again!
4. 1450 Army RPing again.

by GOATz_R_Us January 10, 2022

52👍 42👎

The Israeli Army

The Israeli Army consists of unbelieveable people that will sacrifice their life for the good of the rest of the isralies. Yes, you are by law forced to join the army at the age of 18, but as an Israele, I know I speak for all other Israelies, becoming a soldier is an honour. Like your grandparents, and parents before you did. It's something you are born into. Seeing soldiers walking down the street. Like 18 year old kids in America, for them they know it's the normal, logical thing to go into College. For Isralies, the only thing that makes sense is going into the Army. For guys more than girls, it is important to get into the best units. It's a sign of bravery and who's more of a "man". The Israeli army (IDF) shapes the Israelis identity. It makes them who they are. It toughens them, and it connects them to their country. It is the best thing a person can go through. And I am greatful to be apart of such a unified country.

Tomer: "So Liran, what unit do you want to go into in the Israeli Army?"
Liran: "I want to be an F-16 pilot"
Tomer: "Oh yea, wasn't your dad a pilot as well?"
Liran: "Yea, from a young age he told me amazing stories about it. But I know I am more privilged, because technology is amazing now, and the planes are unbelievable"

by Liran Almog December 27, 2005

137👍 115👎