One of the best games ever, and it even has a prequel that just came out today called Crisis Core for the PSP. If only there were as much fans of it where I live as there is elsewhere...
Classmate: "Hey Teevo, have you been playing any Halo 3?"
Me: "No, I've been playing Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core"
Classmate: "What? Hmm, never heard of it. Sounds like an unknown game series."
Me: "No one here understands how good the Final Fantasy franchise is!"
62👍 31👎
The year when Toronto won the championship and everyone was stunned because they were seen as the underdogs. Toronto literally went crazy and had people on top of buses and there were thousands of people in the streets of dt and Jurassic park.
What a time to be alive
Jake: did you catch game 6 of nba finals 2019
Miranda: ya I was in Jurassic park and it was hella lit and crazy
Jake: ya that’s because WE THE NORTH
While playing Halo Matchmaking and your just about to die, so you start wildly throwing grenades out in a futile attempt to kill your attacker, even though you know it will never work.
Dude, ninjameister348 started throwing frags everywhere when I stuck him with a plasma grenade. I guess he was in his final throws of death.
~●○☆When a person is expressing how they are so ■♢happy to accomplish something♢□ or when someone finally finishes something☆●○~
Person#1~ hey ,are you finished yet?
Person#2~ No.
☆1 hour later☆
Person#1~ I want to go out, come on, are you finished yet?!?!!
Person#2 No.
○2 hours later●
Person#1~ Alright that's it we're-
Person#2~ I'm done.
This game is kick ass. This game took normal RPGS and said fuck you, and singlehandedly did everything better, launching Sony from “eh it’s cool I guess” to “holy balls”. Cloud makes man and women pass out with a single glazed look, Barrett has a cool gun or smth, everyone thought tifa had some honkers, even though they were pointy af, yuffie was pretty cool, valentine did what cloud did but better, sepiroth did what Valentine did and did it better. It has a petty good story, and solid gameplay, and is also not just for nerds.
Guy 1: the buster sword from Final Fantasy VII is just an unrealistic sword
Guy 2: your lesbian mother saw that sword and instantly got impregnated stfu
A phrase often quoted the day before a big event or holiday.
July 3rd - Dawn Of The Final Day
In the holy canon of role playing games, Final Fantasy VIII remains the single greatest achievement of the creative mind.
Recently surpassing Final Fantasy VII in sales and popularity, Final Fantasy 8 set a record for the most copies sold and the most fan fiction created of a single video game. In fact, the fanbase of Final Fantasy VIII is gigantic and it is the number one game upon which "cosplay" is based off.
Although some resentment is felt by fans of the previous installment in the series(Final Fantasy 7), it is only because of the overwhelming clash Final Fantasy 8 has on traditional RPG's. The music alone in the game is enough to skyrocket the creation into the record books, but only when it is combined with the greatest storyline ever imagined is this game worthy to be called a masterpiece.
The gameplay is fantastic, actively encouraging new and innovative uses for magic, while developing the history of the six main characters in concert with the plot progression. Squall, Rinoa, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, and Zell are the six main playable persons in the game, each having unique "junctioning" abilities which allows the gamer to personalize and rearrange character abilities to his/her style.
Asides from being the greatest financial success Squaresoft (now "Square Enix") has ever produced, Final Fantasy 8 remains the true definition of fantasy and fiction.
This is the ACTUAL (more or less) conversation between me and an Electronics Boutique employee at my local store (this is before I knew how great Final Fantasy 8 was):
Me: Hey, what Final Fantasy do you recommend?
EB Employee: Well, the best one is Final Fantasy VIII, so I'd go with that if you're just getting into the series.
Me: One of my friends is playing Final Fantasy 7 and says it's not bad either.
EB Employee: No offense, but your friend is on crack. That is the worst Final Fantasy there is. Just get 8 man, I guarantee it.
Me: <lol> Cool, thanks.
157👍 90👎