George w. bush is a neo-nazi, idiot, babyface, retard. Everyone who voted for him was a total brainwashed retard and anyone who thinks he is a good president is simply a fucking idiot. he was a close friend of the taleban and the bin laden family. some people think he was behind 9/11 but he's way too stupid for that. there were never any weapons of mass destruction in iraq he made it up so he could get more oil for america. were the hell would the iraqi people get a nuclear missile? their not smart enough to make it themselves and they couldn't afford to by a stolen one from the russian mafia. george bush just wants to be hitler and he thinks that if he kills a couple of unarmed muslim children he'll be just like him.
george w. bush is a retard
226๐ 57๐
he waved to stevie wonder...stevie wonder is blind.
He said the french dont even have a word for entrepreneur, entrepreneur is a french word. he belives killing people might prevent death.
3978๐ 1225๐
Living proof that the 22nd Amendment was a great idea.
Only two and a half more years of George W. Bush to go!
1650๐ 498๐
George W. Bush is the current President of the United States of America. He is certainly one of the worst U.S. Presidents, if not the worst.
He has worked to destroy America's economy using ignorant Neo-Conservative economic plans. He further proved his ignorance by sending us into a blind war, cutting social programs to pay for the military, and using ridiculous amounts of deficit spending despite the fact that our country was already in trillions of dollars of debt and we were still in a the middle of a costly war in Afghanistan.
He and his Administration are responsible for numerous gross violations of the Constitution such as deporting thousands of innocent immigrants after 9-11, limiting people who protest them to ilegal "Free Speech-Zones," and passing the USA {PATRIOT Act}. He has tried to further trounce on civil liberties by trying to acquire ludicorus powers such as the ability to spy on any American for no reason and withouut warrant and has also tried to pass a seconds PATRIOT Act.
He and his cronies hide under the guise of Nationalism. For example, if you critisize them, they say you hate America, you hate freedom, claim you are unpatriotic, or even try to claim that you're a terrorist. They even had the balls to name their collection of unconstitutional laws the PATRIOT Act (As I explained earlier). They also justify their ridiculous breaches of freedom by trying to create fear amongst Americans by making potential terrorist attacks seem much more likely than they are so they can call their critics soft on national defense.
Bush also claims to be Pro-Life, but at the same time he has no problem supporting the death penalty and an unjust war for profit.
It's a good thing there's a term limit. The United States wouldn't last another four years of George W. Bush.
264๐ 73๐
Someone who is a governer because he is too douche bag like to win an election truthfully. He has very little understanding of the english language and the US constitution. What brain power he does posses is the ability to fuck shit up. According to Robert Wuhl, he is a desendant of another shitty president, Franklin Pierce. To get to the point, he was the load his mom was supposed to swallow. Disgusting, but true.
George "W" Bush. Thats all you need to know. Literally.
346๐ 102๐
The butt of all jokes, he not only embarrassed America, but the whole human race.
There was no way in hell that George W. Bush excel in a Ivy League school because he lacks intelligence.
4244๐ 1408๐
Leader of an ego-centric society, thinks thw world is his alone, and will do everything to conquer it. Also see Terrorist.
georges w. bush just launched a nuke on himself
119๐ 31๐