Term used to describe clothing worn by grossly obese people.
She: "I saw <censored> today"
He: "Oh yeah? Is she still buying her clothes at House of Zeppelin"?
76π 12π
Britney's little sister, who proved that she's just as dumb as big sis by getting pregnant at 16 and probably destroying her 'career' in the process.
Further proof (if any were needed) that their mom, Lynn Spears, is a terrible mother.
Previously claimed to be a 'Christian' before becoming a teenage pregnancy statistic.
Jamie Lynn Spears probably pissed off Britney by stealing most of the tabloid coverage after announcing that she was pregnant.
736π 144π
Someone famous for being famous (or infamous), particularly in the entertainment industry. A meta-celebrity is a well known celebrity, who has not done anything particularly noteworthy to justify their Fame. The late Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton are two contemporary examples. Meta-celebrities do not always orginate in the entertainment industry, but they nearly always gravitate to it, often as a last ditch effort to extend their "fifteen minutes" as their profile starts to wane.
See also Professional Celebrity, Famious for being famous.
The late Anna Nicole Smith was a classic meta-celebrity
53π 8π
An interesting thing to order at a McDonalds drive through when you're pissed. (Yes, I actually did this, and no, I wasn't driving...)
Drive through speaker: Is that everything?
Drunk passenger: We'd also like two waitresses to go with nothing on them, please.
Drive though speaker: <Silence>
102π 14π
Living proof that the 22nd Amendment was a great idea.
Only two and a half more years of George W. Bush to go!
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Canada's national airline, previously known as Trans-Canada Airlines. Originally government owned, subsequently privatized in the late eighties and early nineties. Took over Canada's other major airline, Canadian Airlines, in 2000. For a few years, a combination of minimal competition within Canada and bad times for airlines in general led most Canadians to hate Air Canada (with some justification, as service tended to be poor and fares expensive where there was no competition). The subsequent emergence of Westjet as a competitor within Canada and improving revenue has meant that things have improved a bit in recent years. Air Canada has a regional affiliate, Jazz, that flies smaller aircraft on more lightly travelled routes.
Also known as:
Air Cannibal
Air Cannibis
Air Can't...uh...duh
Air Chaos
Air Crappy
Always Crappy
Err Canada
Scare Canada
Trash Can
I'm flying Air Canada to Winnipeg next week.
178π 15π
Student chow. (Also known as KD)
I'm nearly out of money, so I'm going to be living on Kraft Dinner this week.
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