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The man who killed Hitler.

Hitler killed the leader of the Nazis

by black nigger balls November 15, 2021

3πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

reverse hitler

a person who can't grow a mustache very well and it doesn't connect in the center unlike hitler's mustache

i didn't shave for 3 weeks and i grew a reverse hitler

by slouvbry stouvre June 29, 2006

71πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


When a girl is giving you fellatio, and you put her in a leg lock so she begins to choke on your penis. While stuck, you take two fingers and smear poop on her upper lip, giving her a Hitler moustache. When you release her she will be wheezing on the ground with said moustache, and will have received the Asthmatic-Hitler.

Steve: Yo I'm pretty sure I'm going to jail
David: For what?
Steve: I gave that girl the asthmatic-hitler and she died

David: Sucks man..

by Normal dude 44 February 21, 2011

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hitler Mustache

One of the many styles available to choose from in the art of pubic hair design.

The Hitler mustache involves shaving the pubic hair from either side, and the area directly above the genitalia, leaving a thin strip which quite looks like Der Fuehrer's preferred brand of whiskers.

To spice up her marriage, Jean shaved her pussy hair into a Hitler mustache.

Rabbi Kawolski was quite offended when the centerfold had a Hitler mustache.

by Trunkbutt April 24, 2003

138πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

hitler youth

Under Adolf Hitler, Germany's Boy Scouts.

When Germany declared war on America after Pearl Harbor, Hitler made a best saying that his hitler Youth would defeat the Americans who have been brought up in the Boy Scouts -History Channel

by army_azn January 27, 2005

69πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Hipster Hitler

Hitler has strangely become an Internet sensation of sorts. He mocks LeBron James for leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers and scoff's at Susan Boyle for not winning Britain’s Got Talent. β€œHipster Hitler" turns the most evil human being in history into a caricature, allowing all of us to step back for a moment and laugh at someone we truly despise.

(Credit to The Jail Break. C O M)

Bro 1: "Does that alt-bro have an ironic mustache AND a "I Heart Juice" t-shirt on?"

Bro 2: "WTF!"

Bro 1: "SNAP. Hipster Hitler!"

Bro 2: "Well, he was the original hipster bitch."

by nickrrrad September 3, 2010

39πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Hitler syndrome

When somebody tries to control every aspect of your life and watches everything you do, basically takes over your life like Hitler tried to do to the world.

Your girlfriend tells you what to eat for breakfast? Bro, she's got Hitler syndrome, I'd be careful

by mvsfinest March 11, 2014

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž